I keep seeing the fruit mangosteen pop up in relation to @Eljay , and so I have been wondering why that is. Is it related to something on the podcast, or some other joke?
This question makes me feel old.
I believe Eljay just actually likes the white oranges.
He might have used the mangosteen as a avatar not out of a joke. I believe that he had used the Mangosteen as a symbol because of how similar it is to Bionicle.
- Mangosteen is a fruit that is foreign from a different country, such as Southeast Asia, and And Bionicle has locations based on different countries, such as Metru Nui being based on cities of advanced technologies such as Tokyo in Japan, Shenzhen in China, and San Francisco in California.
- Mangosteen come in as a Blackish-purple fruit whereas Bionicle has the Vuata Maca Tree Fruit that has blackish protrusions as well as both being fruits that nourish the body.
- When Eljay opened the mangosteen between 1:53-2:00 on his video, the Mangosteen fruit opened symmetrically and similarly to the Matoran Spheres in the Bionicle storyline.
- Both carry forms of symbolisms; Mangosteen is symbolized as a symbol of prosperity, success, generosity and goodwill, whereas Bionicle stems on the three virtues, Unity, Duty and Destiny