Eljay's AMA

On the topic of swimming, it’s
1: Extremely relaxing
2: Great Exercise
3: If you have a bad back, it really alleviates it. (I know from experience, most of the time I’m fine, but occasionally my lower back hurts like mad and swimming really helps.)
Now back on topic.
Eljay, what exactly did your your job in irrigation entail? As in, what did a normal day look like for you?

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If i beat this AMA on legandry do i get to see you’re face eljay?

Like halo 4s ending

I dunno if athletic is the right word. In my prime (before the heart thing), then yeah, absolutely. Afterwards… I can’t even run for very long.

Lemme go find a post I made earlier explaining it…



Water levels must be the worst for you. :3

What was the first video game you remember playing?

If lost in another country which TTV member would you most want to have with you?

What’s your opinion on the Akaku?

Do you see love to be canon in bionicle?

@Eljay i have a question for you ( sorry if it been asked before but reading 2186 messages takes time i dont have ) now you have all the sets do you plan on getting all the collectable e.g. krana, kratta, mask , disk est. this way you will have an even better full collection.

Why didn’t I win? ;_;


If you do like Suicide Squad, could you see yourself starting to look a little more into DC or at least going to see Suicide Squad 2?

Related to that, which Suicide Squad character are you most interested in based on the trailers?

Glad that Daredevil’s finally coming to Blu-ray?

  1. I think either space invaders or digdug.
  2. Depends on the country.

It’s alright, although not my cup of tea.

In the Matoran Universe? No. Among the Bara Magna inhabitants? Yes. In Okoto? Yes.

No worries, I haven’t actually been asked this before! Honestly, I doubt I will. I got all the Toa Mata masks (OG colors, silver and gold) and I’m pretty happy with just that. I have no real interest in any of the other collectables.

Posts showed up at different times for people, and we didn’t see yours as first. =P

  1. Possibly seeing a SS 2, but not liking DC as a whole.
  2. I don’t know their names aside from Harley, so I’ll go with her.
  3. Certainly, although I doubt I’ll be picking it up.

Oh well
Next year I guess

Well, that’s fine. Most of them will probably be dead by the end, anyway. :smile:

Really you’ll just have to remember Harley, Deadshot, and Boomerang.

When you do your reviews, where is the camera in relation to you?
Also, of all the 01 Miru colours, how does each rank in your book?

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I missed most of makutafest, what do the shirts look like?

  1. It’s directly in front of me.
  2. I like green, then gold, then everything after that.

You’ll have to wait and see.

Also, livestream next Tuesday - anyone down for that?


Oh yeah!


Same time as normal or earlier

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sure, but what time and what time zone?

Maybe around 7:00 PM EST.

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  1. Thank you for using EST, much easier for me to set my calendar.

  2. Since I’m assuming you live in the continental U.S., are you seriously answering questions in between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM?