Eljay's AMA

whos your favorite toa of Ice?
have you ever had an imaginary friend? If so what where they like

Oh, I love Kopaka as a character. I just thought his attitude didn’t make sense for someone who’s supposed to be part of a team.

Speaking of characters Greg loved writing about, what’s your opinion on Vezon, Eljay? Do you think he’s fun, or just… unnecessarily random?

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I don’t feel like adding to the mountain of questions here, but I just have to ask.

Do you know the muffin man?

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Unfortunately, I do not. I was only good at copying styles, never making my own. You’d need to ask Ven, Var or Kahi.

I don’t have one.

  1. Kopaka.
  2. I have not.

I liked Vezon. I think at some points he overstays his welcome, but it really depends on the situation.



Favorite Bionicle set that is not Lewa.


Nobody ever likes old Leonard…

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  1. Whose MoUPs did you buy? Cyber hand’s or Sirtumbleweeds’?
  2. Specifically, What color paint did you use for them and which paint store did you get them from?

Did you ever make a Makuta contest entry?


Yes he did and here it is



Are you sure tho


Wil Biocraft ever happen or is it more dead then the solek comments on the boards?

What’s your favorite xyz that isn’t your favorite xyz


What do you think of stranger things?

Can you name a terrible movie/show?

Thoughts on paddle pop ice cream?

What would you do if you discovered you had a Mangosteen tree in your yard that grew the best Mangosteens in the world but the tree was powered using human sacrifice?

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What’s your best accent?

@Eljay, do you what to wear a deferent mask than the Miru?

What is your least favorite aspect of the boards?

What’s your favorite MoC you’ve made?

What are your thoughts on customizing Lego parts? i.e. clipping, painting, etc.

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Alrighty, now that I am back from a force vacation, time to catch up on things.

I’m done answering these poorly worded questions.

  1. @Cyber-Hand’s.
  2. Just standard spray paint I got from a store.

Never played any of those games.

As we have said dozens of times, it’s on hiatus. We can bring it back whenever we want, and I do plan on getting the island finished and released.

  1. You’re dead to me.
  2. I loved it.
  3. Nope.
  4. No opinion.
  5. I’d be too busy enjoying some fantastic mangosteen to even think about it.

Go bother @Jon about that.


I’m more than happy with my Miru.

  1. The ego that a lot of the Masters have. Not all, but I can see it and it’s stupid.
  2. My self-moc.
  3. I’m find with it. I’ve done it before, actually.