Eljay's AMA

lj is big meanie

y u do dis

In all honesty, I can see why you would choose me as an example, but you’d be lying if you didn’t think it also applied to certain aspects of TTV.

Like the fact that you ignored my perfectly valid question.

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Absolutely. I may have to take an opportunity to just… travel, and see how many meet-ups I can accomplish in that time. It’d be properly research before hand, though.


Oi Eljay, How much do you MOC? I know you have said “Only a little” but how many MOCs do you have assembled? and, if any. will you ever post them?

Waffles or Pancakes?
If you could design a new Lego/Bionicle part, what would it be?
Would you consider wearing a top hat in public?
What is the perfect fan? (The air kind, not the people)
Any favorite artworks?

How do you get your BIONICLE sets if you live in the void?

What part of the Miru is your favorite?

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Will your old Miru ever make an appearance in any future videos?
(I personally feel like it fit you better)


Good question.

@Eljay what do you think makes a miru, a miru?


Not much at all after I moved. Most of my parts are hard to get to, and I have no current drive to MOC at the moment. And I’ll possibly post my MOCs at some point, but not any time soon.

  1. Pancakes.
  2. I’ve got nothing, sorry. =P
  3. Of course. I’d wear most hats in public.
  4. A window fan.
  5. Such as fan-works? Certainly @prpldragon’s, no doubt.

Slowly. Except for the Protectors, which I managed to snag really early on.

The “grin.” Just perfect for that mask and most people that wear it.

It will.


Why do you own chickens?
Do you like the chickens?
Have they caused any unfortunate instances?

So many chicken questions yet to be asked…

  1. Funny you ask this now, since I no longer have chickens. The rooster died about a week ago, and so we gave the rest of the chickens away because of it. We owned them so they could lay eggs, which they did until the colder weather hit, which is a large part of why we gave them away.
  2. Oh, they were great. We’ll be getting more chicks this coming Spring, and I’m looking forward to it.
  3. Nah, they were fine. The dogs really liked chasing them around, however, which was incredibly annoying.

Bacon Pancakes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUYSGojUuAU

WARNING: Idon’tLikeAdventureTimeIAmOnlyUsingItBecuaseIThoughtItWouldBeFunny.

What if you could only see in Pink?
I, personally, would be excited at first, be then it would be boring, then annoying. =P

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I see what you did there.

Are you getting fallout 4?

Is it even surprising that we’re about a couple weeks away from half a year since I said that and I still haven’t gotten that letter from you, Eljay?


Hey Eljay!

Very curious to know–are you a fan of Japanese Godzilla movies?

How did you make your new Miru?

Why did you do so?

What type of camera do you use for your reviews? Also, do you use a mic?

You’re starting to remind me of a certain Batman-related Italian mob boss who loves chickens. I can’t tell if that’s weird or kind of cool.

What is your opinion of the Star Wars Franchise? Are you in any way, shape, or form a fan?


Maybe he’s been sick.

Have you showcased any LEGO creations that you have made?