Eljay's AMA

Or historical discussion…

There be a fine line.

Hmm, I like this thread! I think I’ll ask a few more questions if you don’t mind Eljay.
Anyway, what genre of vidya do you tend to play? And do you prefer more slow but strategic games or games that are simpler but more fast paced?

And I intend to cross it :stuck_out_tongue:

And I intend to stop you.

Don’t do it. Any of you.

All done, I’ll answer questions soon.


Eljay, what do you think about the community here on the boards? What do you think could use some change?

What is your least favorite uniter so far?

I’m surprised he knows what those are seeing as he lives in the void and all.

  1. Lewa.
  2. Of G1? Winter wave of 2004.

All three variants of Stringer.

Vidya? I like video games, but I dunno what vidya is. And in regards to games, I like both, honestly. I couldn’t pick one if I tried.

I love the community everywhere. Although, I’ve had it up to here with all of this Solek and cult stuff. Right now, what’s really getting on my nerves are the people (joking, I guess) saying I’m “body shaming” sets with the red and blue pins. They’re really obnoxious.

One thing I will say is that there were/are a bunch of people that are really, really full of themselves for no reason. People like that are… perplexing. They go out and build up anything they’re a part of regardless of quality. It’s weird.



I agree.

Is that part of the solek joke or something?

That’s pretty ridiculous. I’d just ignore them.

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After the Solek cult stuff, a bunch of other wannabes popped up. Hydruka, Tanma, Photok, the other Av-Toran builds, Jaller, etc. It’s not really funny at this point.


Oh jeez…

It was only really funny at Makuta Fest.


Eljay, you’ve expressed your disliking for 2006 so many times. But why is it this year that you simply don’t like? It’s one of my favorites, and actually got me more into the BIONICLE story. So is it the gimmicks, the sets in general, or just the story?

Some things, like the Mesolek art topic are kinda funny, but that is spawned of of Makutafest, and is pretty tame compared to some stuff…

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Kopaka: “If you had called an army of real warriors, this would have taken no time!”
Ekimu: Flashbacks to an army of Kopakas being summoned and then murdering each other because they wouldn’t follow each other’s commands “Yeaahhhh we tried that…”
Kopaka “Well, where are they?”
Ekimu Points outside at a huge mass of skull warriors “That’s where”


cough cough



Do you have a favorite Lego videogame?

sounds like ttv

Eljay, are you a fan of soup? If so, what is your favorite type? If not, why?

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None of the above. It’s the fans of 06. I’ve said repeatedly in the past that I have no major gripes with the year, however the fans and their common overzealous nature regarding that year bug the heck out of me. Everything is about 06. Gosh dang it.

Thank you for reminding me. ;-;

I haven’t played many, but I enjoyed Lego Star Wars. I’m sure I’d like any of the others, however I have more experience with Bionicle games, and Quest for the Toa has a special place in my heart.

This is like the TTV Message Boards version of Tumblr’s “Find the Vegan.”

Found my example, ignoring your question.


Hey Eljay, if you could, would you do more fan meet-ups? and will you do more of the “explaining recaps” Videos? I really enjoyed the last one, and I found it enlightening.