Eljay's AMA

Guys, it’s a New Year’s miracle. I finally got that letter from Eljay! I knew it wasn’t fictional! Thanks @Eljay!


If you could choose to have either red or blue pins fit with any color scheme which type would it be.

Well? What does it say?

Sorry, but I have no idea what Star Wars: TWA is. Wait… Do you mean TFA?

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This has been on my mind for a while now. ElJay, will you reveal your face if the TTV channel hits something like 100k subs? It’s not imperative for me to see your face, I’m just curious.

Blue, since it is one of my favorite colors.

Whoops, yeah.

10 million. :smile:


That can be arranged…

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Plus, at least 7 million views per Recap Review.



You drive a hard bargain my friend…

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Does that include Recent Recaps?

man your kopaka did really use the shield

atleast its a real shield, not like the one the UoI got…


Have you seen the first 4 episodes of Ninjago: Skybound yet?

Who is your favorite ninja? (including Nya, discluding Dareth)

What is your favorite season of Ninjago?

What is your favorite year of Ninjago?

Have you seen TFA yet? If so, what did you think of it, your fave parts your least fave parts?

Speaking of TFA, if you saw it of course, during the Darth Vader helmet scene, did you here like the sound of a small child laughing during it?

Oh, and are Nexo Knights coverages for eps. 3-5 and Ninjago: Skybound coverages for eps. 3-5 coming soon?

Also have your 2016 sets arrived? Btw, if you got Umarak, I suggest switching the knife and ammo magazines around on the hip joint. It makes posing in that leg a little better and it looks a little nicer IMO.

Have you not been keeping up with the AMA because 366 Days of Art and Recaps/Recents? (Not that I am impatient, well maybe a little, but I’m just wondering. : P )

What happened to Day in the Life of Eljay that you said in Makutafest 2014? Not that it’s important but it’s kinda interesting to see what goes on behind the mic. :smile:

Also, how is getting your mom on Don’t Fight working out? Any rehearsals with her so she avoids saying your real name? :smile:

Have any favorite bands/singers and songs from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s? ( Elton John, MJ, Queen, the Beatles, etc.)

Have you seen the leaked summer 2016 sets? Don’t worry, I haven’t and won’t link 'em. :smile:

Do you think the Elemental Creatures should have voices or not? Why or why not?

For the 2008 recaps, if you are reviewing all the Warriors and then all the Battle Vehicles, then where would Mazeka go, since he is listed on Brickset as Vehicles/Creatures?

Have you ever thought about making a small hatch in your Miru so it’s easier to eat and drink while wearing it?

Is it possible we will Speeder in some way on the Podcast or TTV Talks or Don’t Fight in the near future?

And did you really slice up Solek with a chainsaw?

And though it might be unnecessary, I apologize for the overload of ?'s. If only you had a clone to run the AMA while you live life and party. :cry:

P.S. I used to love Bing, but Startpage is AWESOME! Thanks for letting us fans know about it, too bad it’s so underused.

You do realize that Startpage is enhanced by Google though, right?


Also, to make a stand for the MoCo, you just need to copy the MoC stand and order this part in the applejack green. (Incase you didn’t know they made it in that color. :smile: )
LEGO parts 6070270 ROUND PLATE Ø32X6,4 - TR | Brickset

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  1. I’ve been watching them as they come out.
  2. Jay, of course.
  3. Rebooted.
  4. The year of Rebooted. =P
  5. I have, and I enjoyed it.
  6. Nope.
  7. They’re out there on Vessel.
  8. I got 'em all last week, yup.
  9. Pretty much, yeah. That, and I’m working a new job, so that’s taken up some time. =P
  10. I totally forgot about that. One day!
  11. I haven’t discussed it with Kahi yet, but my mother is totally on board.
  12. The Beatles, for sure.
  13. I have.
  14. I don’t, since they’re just creatures.
  15. I know where he’ll be going.
  16. It already has a hatch. =P
  17. No clue. Unlikely.
  18. Yup.
  19. It’s no problem!
  20. I have no idea how you found out that I used Startpage. Although, I don’t anymore. And what I use now is a secret, even from Meso.
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TTV Podcast 163 - Cats in Bags when you got grilled about Pioneer Park. And you stated it tons of times on other vids. : P

If it’s DuckDuckGo, then you are on the wrong track.

Have you watched any of the Monty Python Movies? If so, what’s you favourite? I ask this as I am currently watching the Meaning Of Life :smiley:

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So what’s your new job like? Is it fun?

How does it feel being the the best moment of ttv of 2015?

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Eljay, Why are you so cynical?

@Eljay when you go to toy fair, will you be taking pictures to post on your youtube/vessel channel of the new sets? will you be posting them even with your new leak policy (like does it fit in that category?) also on another note, i support your no leak policy because now i can finally do what ive always wanted to do: see the sets for the first time on store shelves.

The Holy Grail is my favorite, for sure.

It’s not bad at all. I work late hours and it’s relaxed enough where I can usually talk to the others while I work since I work at home.


Being a controversial part of the Bionicle community for over 10 years does that to a person. =P

I will not being going to Toy Fair. Var and Kahi are going.