Eljay's AMA

@Eljay do you know if they will be taking pictures?

Are you planning to go to SDCC this year?

Also, what would you do if LEGO made a Charlie Cox Daredevil minifigure?

I know exactly what they’ll be doing. More details soon.

  1. Nope.
  2. Nothing, most likely.


Not even buy it. Wait… I thought of a good fan art idea! :grin:

What Bionicle set did you always want as a kid but never got? (Until you went back to collect for the recaps, of course.)

After listening to The TTV Podcast - 100 - Sarah McLachlan is My Hero, I’ve been wondering why, in your list of materials for the Make a Miru for Eljay contest, you did not mention plastic at all?

  1. Hydraxon.
  2. Honestly, I don’t know why. That was a major flub on my part anyways. =P

What do you think Umarak’s floaty stone cube maze thingy is that’s in the new app and on his box art?

Is your mom also an avid Bionicle fan?


Would you consider having TTV make a ■■■■■ of you chasing solek with a chainsaw?

This means… there must have been a return address… you know the location of eljay

Low blow

  1. It’s neat.
  2. No.



Do you like lewas newest mask?

Do you have any favorite YouTube channels that aren’t BIONICLE or LEGO related?

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What is your favorite Beatles song?

Do you prefer Gali and Lewa having yellow eyes in the Netflix show or the blue eyes from the sets?

Objectively, which is better in Bionicle, 2001 or 2015?

Btw, LOVE your Mutran voice. Perfect fit! :thumbsup:

@Eljay after watching the latest recap review, mutran and vican, the opening skit had a destroyed solek set. Was that your actual solek set? doesnt that mean that you no longer have a complete bionicle collection?

I do! Quite a bit, actually.

A few, however I won’t be mentioning them here.

  1. I forget.
  2. Yellow eyes for sure.
  3. Thank you!

That was actually an already deteriorating Solek that Meso had. He sent it to me, and I finished it off. My Solek is in near-perfect condition and has come to no harm.


It’s also the solek you used for the kardatoran review right?
Why do you wear a gold Miru instead of a green one?

I am just going to assume that you mean you forgot the title. : )

Why the lack of art in 366 Days of Art?

  1. Yes.
  2. Gold is one of my favorite colors. And heck, I don’t wanna be a total rip-off of Lewa.

(Not to mention, I’ll also now assuredly get a Gold version of a Miru-type mask with every Gen 2 Lewa set).

  1. Yeah.
  2. A Recent Review a day as well as my new job.
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Yes, seems most of TTV has fallen way behind on the art anyway. On the bright side, when you and other members get free time for that it will be a huge flood of art! :smile:

Have you ever really watched any DC Comics shows?

Hah, nope.

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