Ember-fire tribe glatorian OC(updated)

So this is my first model created in briklink studio 2.0. didn’t turn out quite like I imagined due to the low variety of armor parts, overlapping parts issues and my own experience with the program.

EDIT-played around and tweeked it so got it a it closer to how i like so see the second image and let me know if its a better look

Ember is the secondary Galtonian of Vulcanus, and a former pupil of both Ackar and Malum, learning honor from the former and ferocity from the latter. While typically quiet and aloof, she is fierce and brutal in battle, but only as much as she needs to be to win; even as a young female glatorian, her physical strength is near unmatched. She bears scars over the right side of her face/eye after an ambush by Vorox in her youth, giving her a deep seeded hatred of them. She is also one of the few glatorian to have come closest to defeating a skrall warrior in the arena. She speaks with a low, raspy voice and much like Raanu, is always skeptical and slow to trust; though her trust is ironclad when earned.

Despite her respect for Ackar, she was enthusiastic at his decline in skill and ambition, as it meant she would soon earn the place of first glatorian for her home. She somewhat resented Mata Nui’s arrival, as it changed the status quo of their society and elevated the now empowered Ackar to leader of their united people.

Her weapons were a devastating flail, capable of shattering even the strongest shields and glatorian armor, and a thick, broad magma shield(looks kinda like a giant snapping turtle shell (couldn’t replicate it in briklink studio). Both are black rock, covered in magma fissure designs.

Original design

Updated design


I like the weapon and backstory, but the armor placement for the upper limbs seems a bit weird to me.

new updated design now posted

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I like the updated version, it’s cleaner.