Empress Tuyet

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Ah, the joys of a contest entry that doesn’t have to use a Metru torso, be 8.42 inches tall, or have the precise angle of sword barbs specified…


I support this Tuyet.

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Not many Tuyets catch my eye, but I quite like the armoring and colors on this one, and the sword and cape, and the mask. Very nice! I’d support it in an actual canon contest.


That combo of blues is really good. I quite like that sword and the overall design looks awesome.


she looks quite powerful! this might be my favourite Tuyet!

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I like this one a lot! The Phasma cap is such a good piece!

Also I saw your Hollow Knight Shade build on your site and I adore it

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ooo she looks really good - probably my fav non-metru tuyet!
nice work!

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The torso, thighs, and sword look awesome!

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I’m really liking the shaping on this one though the mask feels weird.

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