End of Earth, random intro I made for the modpack

Here is the written, custom intro for a modpack. It is in minecraft. Hope you like it.


There was a loud and harsh noise, while arousing, it was also quite blunt.
Seth woke with a jump. “What in-” he realized, that the noise he had heard was not another person. To his surprise, there was an ungodly whole above him. What had made that whole, was a meteor. “How, does a meteor, just crash on top of some undergroun-. Underground? Why am I underground? What is this place? Some sort of vault I guess.”
He looked around. There wasn’t much but a dirt tunnel, the bed that he was on, and an iron chest. In the chest, he found a special sort of backpack. It had glass containers on both sides, a large amount of space, and a sleeping bag, hooked to the bottom. “Well, at least this isn’t a total piece of crap.” he mumbled. He continued to search an look around what was left of the vault. He grabbed his needs, and then climbed the ladder. Once he was above ground, he saw two more metal plates in the ground, like the one on the top of his vault. “Well I guess I was the lucky one and I got the meteor to crash above me.” He angrily mumbled. He walked over and brought his foot down heavily on the next vault over, hoping to release his anger. It didn’t work. He stood and waited for a moment until someone finally opened the hatch. “Who are you!?” they yelled. “Sorry, I was just surprised, I thought I was the only one left.” he replied to his own exclamation. Seth blankly stared at him, not sure what to think of it. He was so stunned he just walked over to the next hatch and knocked. The next survivor was a girl. “Whoa, there are two more survivors? That’s nice.” She calmly said. Seth realized that his approach to each recipient affected there response. “Do you mind if I stay in here? A meteor crashed on mine.” Seth asked. “Sure that’s-” she was cut off. “No, no, you guys can stay in here, it’s pretty big, fitting for two more.” the second vault dweller interjected. The girl climbed out of her vault and went into the middle one, followed by Seth. Once they’d entered and settled in the vault, Seth thought he might start a conversation. “So, what are your names? I’m Seth.”

They sat there, as if it were a mind boggling question. “I’ll go first, I’m Matthew.” he said.
“Well then. I’m Claire.” said the girl. They weren’t all particularly cheery about the fact that the Earth had been wiped out, and they only had a limited amount of time, until they had to make it to another planet, before the next wave came and completely destroyed the planet.
“We should get started on building, we have some materials don’t we? I have a few tools we could use for mining, farming, building, and such.” said Matthew with pride. “I got some food, it should still be alright.” stated Claire. “Wow. I am once again stuck with the bad stuff. Did you guys get a backpack too?” said Seth. “Yep, It’s over there.” Matthew replied and pointed towards a corner. “I tried getting back in the bed, but some faint text appeared in the air saying ‘spawnpoint set’. I’m guessing that means we’ll have to use the sleeping bags from the backpacks.” he continued. “That still works for me.” said Seth. “As long as we stay safe and sound, I’m all for it.” said Claire. She had shown in the few words she’d said that she was very passionate about helping for the grater good, and keeping others safe. This enlightened there journey’s beginning