Energized Protodermis Entity

Sharing my entry for the Bio-Cup 2021 preliminary round. Flickr: The Bio-Cup 2021 Pool
The Energized Protodermis Entity. Felt appropriate for an entry which determines if I make it further. Sought to give him a fluid and menacing look. This being in the Bionicle Universe, in many ways embodies the remix theme. “Transformation, or destruction. Which will be your fate?” biosector01.com/wiki/Energized_Protodermis

I may later expand on this moc for the Marendar contest. comments welcome as always. :slight_smile:


Personally I think the mask should be silver like the rest of it, but that’s a minor thing.

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It is silver, chrome silver


you know what I mean

It would be even better if the whole thing were chrome, but of course those pieces don’t exist. The mask helps sell that it’s made of shimmery liquid


meh. It’s still a good build, though.

I like the use of chains to make it look more flowing and liquidy