Your Okotan dude has been done to death, probably thousands of times over at this point. I’ve done it. There is nothing about this MOC that is remotely interesting or memorable. I will only remember that MOC by my critique of it, and that’s debatable.
Foot dude is a cool design, but it’s someone else’s design so I can’t credit you for it. What I can credit you for is the random axle in one of his feet.
Mutated Matoran man has articulation in his elbows, but not his knees. Knees has a priority of articulation over elbows ever since the Rahkshi in '03.
(as far as legitimate complaints go, the back of the neck looks a bit weird and blocky.)
The MOC inspired by the current president should not have been allowed due to political discussion, and for ripping off the aesthetics of Political Slime.
The Bo-matoran has some weird looking legs. Why are his thighs curved and his shins straight? Can his hands reach all the way to the ground? What does the technic piece on the back of his torso do?
Kogu is missing an “n”. That is all.
Turaga of Shadow… actually, there’s nothing here that I can easily make fun of.
All in all, terrible MOCs, minimal effort, multiple questionable design choices, and I don’t know what “Etnurb” means. 3.8/10.*