Everything We Know About Bionicle 2015: Part One

I think that the Kanohi Vahi was supposed to be the mask of time and travel (dimensions). But Vakama only made the ‘time’ part, and never the ‘travel’ part. And somehow, the other part (that was never created, but somehow exists) is in Okoto.


Woah! It’s a soft reboot? Awesome!

Then what about Artahka… Maybe Artahka=Ekemu? And perhaps Makuta is alt. universe Teridax?

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There are words on BZP that the information about the Vahi etc. is a bit shady and not confirmed by the panel. As I don’t want to bother with the stupid “site-bashing” related stuff from the past, as the general comments from BZP implied that anything from TTV should be considered with tons of salt, could someone of the actual podcast give some kind of confirmation about the whole Vahi/Temple of Time thing ?


I’m not of the podcast, but I have talked with Kahi about this. He said that it was after the panel and he went to talk with the guy in charge of Bionicle 2015, and that’s where this info came from

Some pretty exiting stuff. For me, it seems the hype train took a quick stop, but then it started again and now it’s going way more faster!


the quick stop was because a certain somebody needed to use the restrooms!


They have bathrooms on the train. I was talking about NYCC.


well the somebody didnt like peeing on a train going at ludicrious speed!

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The Temple Of Time is confirmed - its seen in concept art of this image (Bottom Right)

As for the Vahi, they asked a question and the staff at the panel stated it was half of the mask, exact words can be found in their coverage. This occurred after the panel, as such BZP likely didn’t hear it considering they didn’t think of asking the question themselves.

As a rule of thumb its best to just ignore BZP’s pessimistic nature as they dismissed Bionicle’s return for the longest time despite the leaked images. They tend to ignore factual evidence for the sake of trying to tarnish the reputation of TTV.


How do you know that temple is “of time”?
It could be another temple or some other ruins.

Look. Either believe it or don’t. Just stop calling TTV liars for doing their job

You do realize that uh…they can’t hear you.

These are the TTV Message Boards. Where TTV Fans congregate.

The odds of whoever you’re talking to seeing this are uh…slim to none.

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Who is calling them liars?

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This is a fair question, considering the fact that (as far as I am aware) the only evidence we have of a Temple of Time is this picture and reports from TTV. I’m not saying I don’t believe TTV, but that particular picture could be any temple.

(Edit) So while this is HIGHLY likely, I would not call it “confirmed.”


I was replying to ENDfilms.

So then it’s wrong for having doubts or asking for clarification/verification?

I think END asked a perfectly legit question, not one meriting such a vehement response from you.

It wasn’t an attack. It was a question. ._.


1 It was a doubt not an accusation.
1.5 The mask of time in the animation was an “easter egg”, not a plot device
2 I had no idea the cast theorized it to the the temple of time and because of this I haven’t heard why they say so. And it is a theory, not a confirmation.


Sorry. I thought you were being a BZP fanboy. My apologies.

All I have done on BZP is enter the new member raffle, post a link to film of mine, and watch and comment on their video of the presentation for Bionicle at NYCC. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just read a fanfiction on there.

Sorry again man.