Fake parts

Rahkshi heads, that’s all I’m going to say, they look pretty close to what I’ve seen can come out, either that or they’re really, really good knockoffs.

@Sammythekat Hey trust me that’s not that weird, I found an entire pre-built pewku and Takua (who was missing a leg) set in the box with instructions.

Knockoffs can be pretty convincing; because they just copy Lego’s designs they can be nearly identical. 3D printing is usually more messy because of the way it prints. That’s why it seems most of us think they are bootlegs; they’re too clean to be 3D printed.

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Definetly not the Bohrok legs and… Y axles I think they’re called? (The old hand pieces) they’re both pretty messy along with the Bohrok spinners who’s center holes are too circular.

but 3d printed parts =/= some kids old set that they donated.


they’re rahaga, not bohrok parts.

and did ya not think

for a second

that these

are just cheaply made knockoffs, mate.

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They were used on Bohrok… I think… Also maybe they were knockoffs maybe not, some of the parts look like it some don’t.

no they weren’t.

those are metrutoran limbs, used on the rahaga.

and i am 99% sure that you’re getting overhyped over knockoff parts.

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Not really getting hyped, just pointing out some rare parts (for me at least, I don’t usually find them) I found.

you’re reporting these parts to be “3d printed” when that isn’t the case.

the most likely origin for these parts is from a bootleg.

Ok fine then they can be bootleg, I’ll rewrite it. Sue me for having never seen any bootleg parts.

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