Ahkay, decided to bite the bullet and upload something from Webcam. It’s my only option right now other than LDD, and I’m too weak-willed to wait until I can get a camera or proper phone. As such, here is Falchion!
Constructed by my Self-MOC Nyne, given sentience by the Great Being [REDACTED] and trained by my other Self-MOC Niter, Falchion is the leader of the Spherus Droid Mission, a group of robots designed to take assignments across the many terrains of the unbreakable planet Spherus Magna. He is not a specialist like the rest of his comrades, being an adaptable construction that can function at full capacity in nigh any environment, from the vacuum of space to the deepest ocean trench. He wields his eponymous Energy Falchion, which has a variform edge that may be thin as an atom or a broad bludgeon, as well as his Disc Former, which acts as a lightning rod for energy-based attacks, absorbing them and condensing the power into a concussive, ricocheting disc of destruction. He carries within him the Adaption Core, which analyses the surroundings and will reconfigure his armour on a molecular level depending on what sort of dangers it needs to tank, dissipate or repel.
In my story, he is the first of his team to be transported to the Great Spirit Robot to assist Niter and Nyne, and due to his Adaption Core, is the only one including both Nyne and Niter to retain his memories.