Fallen (Hawkflight's original music)

I made some more music. It’s in 6/8, so I’m going to compare it to Gravity Hurts, which people in this server should know and is also in 6/8 (and this song is probably one of the closest to that style that I’m working on now).

you know when gravity hurts a lot?

when you’ve Fallen.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy this song.


Nice! It’s a good song. Do you have it listed on Spotify or anywhere else? I’m thinking of adding it to a playlist of mine.


It’s good enough I’ll be listening to it on loop for the next few days. So, in my opinion its very good.


Nice work, Ive gotta try writing some stuff sometime.

Liking the 6/8 rythm, but something nagging me the whole time was that sort of unpleasant airyness or emptiness in the mids/highs that you usually get with most bass boosts, but I didnt notice much anything in the way of an actual bass or sub-bass boost. Was that intentional, or should the song be listened to with a boost in the mids?


Here you go! Spotify

Not intentional. I got back into learning mixing and mastering last year and there’s a lot I don’t know / that my particular setup might disguise. If you find boosting the mids improves the song, let me know what sort of settings you use so I can see how it changes in my setup!


Thanks! I took a listen to your other songs, and they’re quite interesting. I like the way Trespasser starts, as it sounds almost like a medieval chant. Quite different from most songs i listen to.


I think that statement itself makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something worthwhile.


Ill be sure to mess around with the EQ on my computer then to try and help out