fant4stick (Fantastic Four 2015)

true, but up until now he isnt introduced and the MCU has made more Moo-laa than his films

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fantastic 4 is short for fantasically gonna fail and barely get higher than 4% on rotten tomatoes


guys, we all the the reason this movie sucked was because Jessica Alba wasn’t wearing any spandex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


behold the worst cinemascore for a superhero movie

Really? With Secret Wars, I think the Four have had more relevance now than they’ve ever had. Hickman is a very big fan of the Four, and he knows how to write them well. Secret Wars was able to bring everyone into the limelight, but especially Doom and Reed.

I think Marvel is doing well in spite of not having those characters, not because they don’t have them. I think the Four really do have a lot to bring to a universe. That being said, I agree with you on X-Men. Honestly, it sometimes feels like the X-Men are written in a different universe in 616 anyways.


Havent gotten around to secret wars yet, but post Future Foundation they had ~3 ongoings which did nothing, granted the one with the dumb red suits was interesting bringing heroes reborn back but still, it barely affected them.

We’ll arent the X-men going to be on a different universe/planet anyways after secret wars?

Also, as much as I love the X-men and Inhumans, you can tell Marvel is pushing Inhumans to take overr Mutants place which is kinda awkward

Oh, well, alright. I’ll definitely give you that. I did not enjoy that Fantastic Four at all. Once Hickman left to do Avengers, you could definitely feel the loss.

Don’t think so.

It’ll be done and it’ll be done better than the X-Men.

The Inhumans have two things going for them - 1. They’re not super well known, so people haven’t seen a billion versions of them 2. They’re not really super liked, so comic book fans won’t throw a fit at changing them.

Creatively, the Inhumans can and will be organically integrated into the movieverse (Agents of Shield not widthstanding). That’s the beauty of the MCU. Generally speaking, they know how to take their time.


Hitting a bottle of Fanta with a stick is probably more enjoyable than this film.

Spoilers are awesome on cars.


Ok that is definitely true, and also there will be a legit reason for people to hate Inhumans(Ala AoS) unlike the X-men

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Hey guys
Fantastic Four 2 is gonna happen.


Anyways, here is what I thought of the movie

I walked into this movie with low expectations, already do most remakes suck (lookin at you The Day the Earth Stood Still) so why wouldn’t this film be any different? Yeah, I still stand by that statement.

I think a majority of the Fantastic Four’s problems can be summed up in two words, dull and uninteresting. The plot is boring as nothing happens in it, the Fantastic Four get their powers, Doctor Doom tries to destroy the earth and… that’s it! Another aspect of the plot which didn’t catch on with me is that the world building is non existent, thus I had no real care whether or not the planet was being destroyed. The characters themselves were stale, as the writing was lousy and the relationships between them were more wooden than a tree so I didn’t find myself attached to them, nor was the villain appealing. The performances were bland as well, lacking the wit and energy found in many of the other films. Lastly the effects, CGI, and overall look of the film was very unconvincing and quite dull.

BTW, I hated the way they designed The Thing, he looked like a cross breed between that cave troll from The Lord of the Rings and the rock biter from The Neverending Story. Michael Chiklis looked better as The Thing IMO.


Failed with the spoiler tags, you should probably fix that before someone is upset that you ruined what may be there favourite film :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Though yeah;

The movie had no real middle act, it just rushed straight into doom escaping and then he was killed off in an anti-climactic way. There was no sense of threat and no connection with anything because you don’t care for the characters or anyone involved. It came off as predictable and boring

Hopefully the film being a flop will mean Fox will finally give the rights back to Marvel, though i could honestly see them keeping the rights out of spite.

Edit; fixed the title because people have created other threads not noticing this is a Fantastic Four thread.

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punches computer screen

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So I saw the movie
I believe this is a very accurate representation of doom


I once read a review of the movie and it said “I feel like the movie farted in public and it’s ashamed of itself.”
Basically the point of that analogy was that the movie took itself way too seriously instead of actually being fun, lighthearted, and comical.


[Punches computer screen, is not satisfied, punches Wii U as well]

needs more trash bags

Dude! At least punch the Xbox One! That thing can break! Then again, Nintendo systems stand the test of time.

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