Fantasy RPG poll, Redux

Hello everyone. As some of you may or may not know, a few months back I put out a poll gauging interest in an RPG I’m planning on running and RPGs in general.

In the time since then I know there’ve been a solid amount of different RPGs with varying levels of activity and different amounts of participants. So this is a followup poll regarding the chances that you’d sign up for a Fantasy RPG, as well as interest levels based on other factors.

edit: whoops, didn’t mean to vote in my own poll

Chances of You Taking Part in a New RPG
  • I’d be down (high interest)
  • Depends on the Quality of the RPG (medium interest)
  • Probably not, I’m already a part of different RPGs (low interest)
  • Other (enumerate)

0 voters

Interest Based on Genre
  • High Fantasy
  • Low Fantasy
  • High Magic
  • Low Magic
  • Steampunk
  • Science Fiction

0 voters

Experience Level Regarding RPGs
  • Very Experienced
  • Some Experience
  • Not that Experienced
  • No Experience

0 voters


I voted “other” because I don’t do the boards RPGs, before realizing that it was a joke that wasn’t actually funny.

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Look @winger if you were to hold any kind of RPG on here you best bet I’m going to be the first person to sign up


Honestly I would have already started a fantasy RPG if I knew how to worldbuild, unfortunately I’m not good at it so it would end up like some kind of magical illogical dumpster fire


Whether or not I sign up depends on the premise of the RPG.


Last time I played an rpg was 2016 so I lack expirence but I really enjoyed it, if you were to hold one I’d love to join


how to worldbuild

  • draw a map
  • draw some people
  • buy an AR-15

this is incorrect


Personally, I don’t mind the modern and futuristic combining with traditional fantasy elements but if I play fantasy RPGs, I usually like it in the style of DnD where there are some solid rules of how magic works but it still has a lot of room that encourages people to get creative with magic and tech alike.

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I wonder if he will ever make an rp based on his poll…

I also wonder why he didn’t make his poll in the rpg discussion category…


I’m just here lurking, hoping more RPs open up soon (slightly addicted to RPing now.)

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