Favorite Dark Hunter

He looks much, much better like this.

The rotation changes his appearance from a more primitive, bestial look to someone that looks extremely powerful. (and Lego’s posing didn’t help either.)

As for my favourite Dark Hunter, it’d probably have to be one of the ones that got a more expanded story role, like Lariska, Ancient, or The Shadowed One.

Although I also like Shadow Stealer. His build is really simple and goofy, but also has pretty unique parts usage and looks consistent. And his backstory’s pretty cool.


Credit: TLROsborne

First off, I absolutely love Tyrant’s design, he has plenty of features but manages to retain some sort of set/combo model design that LEGO would’ve actually put out there. His build is also quite nice in terms of stature and and looks. I’d also like to commend the inclusion of a technic blaster, I think it was a really fun add-on for more playability. This guy is also relatively easy to build and not demanding in parts. As for his story I think there are a lot of possibilities with it as he hasn’t been mentioned since his supposed disappearance in the Silver Sea. In my eyes, he’s like a seventh Barraki in terms of personality, power, and influence.

Guardian’s a close second but oh boy that red Kaukau’s not making it easy to recreate him. As far as honorable mentions go Shadow Stealer, Devastator, Ancient, Eliminator, Krekka and Nidhiki, Lurker, Seeker, Silence, and Savage are prime examples of good looking dark hunters with solid backstories which of whom I also like.


The Dark Hunters I like are Vanisher, Tyrant, Guardian, Devastator, and Firedracax. The rest of the MOCs range from mediocre (Charger) to bad (Subterranean). But my overall favorite is easily Devastator.

My favorite is Phantom (as pictured), but I also love Tyrant, Vansiher, and Dweller.

love this mans

also, kikanalo legs over here


Amphibax has a certain charm. image

and don’t even get me started on guardian!


Fav. DH: Minion
Reasoning: He’s huge.

In all honesty, I really like this model because of the parts usage with his size. Organically pulling together many smaller parts and creating a beast. He’s also proportionally great, well articulated (for his size) and pretty stable.

Eliminator is a close second, with a well rounded design and fun to handle.


Is it just me, or does guardian use a glorified toothbrush as his choice of weapon?

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arent you able to build him from a bunch of sets?

Well technically… if you own a large collection of Bionicle parts you could build him.
But he’s not a combination model if that’s what you mean.

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If Piraka are included, then Hakann. I always liked how he looked as a set, and personality wise he can be fun to read about too. He’s just constantly looking to betray everybody and completely unashamed about it, lol.

After Hakann it gets a little complicated. I really like Reidak personality/story-wise. I’m not sure if it’s unpopular how easily the Piraka managed to defeat the Toa Nuva, but I honestly like how OP Reidak is. The concept of an OP villain is always interesting to me, it makes the story overall much more engaging imo. I also like the idea of this big strong villain who’s kind of casual about things, and also surprisingly intelligent. The thing is that I like others more than him set-wise, I think he’s ok but I prefer other Dark Hunter sets over him.

Nidhiki is kind of the opposite, his personality isn’t that interesting to me but I really like his set, probably just as much as Hakann’s. So if Piraka weren’t included, it would probably be him.

I’d also like to mention Voporak, because I think his power is really interesting and like Reidak, I like the idea of this really OP villain. Set wise he seems pretty cool too.