Favorite Fonts

I use Gisha. Novecento is cool as well, and there’s this one font which’s name I don’t recall.

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I have a Matoran font. You are all beneath me.

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I think we all downloaded that font.

well my favorite font is raleway


Who are you ? Brick Heck? /s

I can’t decide to be honest. Shadows into Light is one of the fonts I prefer to use on Google Docs, though.

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Trajan and Times New Roman.
Looks nice.
And this one cause I like standard and easy to read.


Cherry Cream Soda!


Century School Book. Hands down.

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I am a fan of Times New Roman and Telex

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Nowadays, I still use Calibri as the default, but use Times New Roman or similar old-world fonts for band stuff. I’ve also been getting some usage out of Book Antiqua (AKA the font used in early episodes of VeggieTales - yes, that’s the main reason I use it).

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Good a reason as any.

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Personally, I like the fancy look of Pacifico.

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I love Goudy Trajan font. Especially when textured like metal.

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Update: I have recently taken to using Tahoma, it’s my new favorite font.

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it’s not very useful, but I prefer the look of biysk

I’ve never used it in a design, but it’s so clean

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huh, so this was the topic to be badabing-badaboomed.

I’ve mentioned my usage of Book Antiqua/Palatino before, however, in the four years since that post, I have noticed it a lot more. Including at my workplace, where it isn’t the UX-approved font (that would be Segoe.) Still use Times New Roman for my music stuff, but I might end up changing that in future (I’d like to find a monospaced variant of that style of font so I can better use it in other art.)


I do quite like Comic Sans. It’s a shame that it has such a bad reputation.

And while I barely use it, the old Roblox font looks pretty cool imo: