Favorite Historical Event?

In which case I suppose both sides involved were victors?

Anyway, more on topic, I’m a big military history buff in general, so nearly any major battle will interest me.

Technically everybody’s a loser because they’re unknowingly feeding their nation false knowledge caused by biases and Etc… Although obviously that isn’t always a bad thing because Canada’s version of the War of 1812 makes me proud to be Canadian and makes me want to improve the world to “keep the torch burning”.

I like D-Day.

Especially the part where the dinosaurs came in.




I consider D-Day to be one of the most influential points of our history in the last century.

The American Revolution pretty much changed the world. Think about it. How many democracies would there be if we Americans hadn’t thrown a tea party? I bet the French wouldn’t have had their revolution.

Also, the War of 1812 comes to mind, though it isn’t my favorite. Mostly due to this.

Aside from those modern events, I’m quite fond of Alexander the Great beating the tar outta those Persians :stuck_out_tongue:

And the world might have been a better place if it never happened

You and I can both agree there.

Or it would’ve taken even longer for more people to take a more libertarian stand in Europe, seeing as America liked to seclude itself from European affairs due to the Monroe Doctrine. If the French Revolution didn’t happen and if Napoleon never spread French nationalism around, perhaps a lot of countries would still be under the rule of rich monarchs and barely any industry would go on until much later.

Because of the French Revolution even happening, people made new countries, new wars came and made new technology, more industrialism occurred, and the next thing you know, we’re typing on computers.

And because of the American revolution proving that Enlightened ideas can be built upon in a country, the French looked upon this and tried to make this happen in their country, making the French revolution. As such, both major revolutions in the 18th century brought much progress in the western world!

And the deaths of several thousands of people, including innocents, and the rejection of traditional Christian morality was worth gaining a little more ground?

Also, not sure what you mean by “new countries”, only things I can think of that changed were Haiti’s independence and the absolvement of 12 German states.

If the French never did go through that revolution, I’m assuming they would just carry out something in 1848 anyway.

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That’s what I was gonna say!

I guess… December 31 2014, the day I got some of Bonkle 2015, hey that’s pretty sufficient in history!



no Romans?


I’ve always found the assassination of Arch Duke Frans Ferdinand to be interesting

its crazy how one event changed the course of human history

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That’s a lie

Everyone was just ready to fight, the assassination was just the trigger (literally and metaphorically)

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I probably should have phrased that better; I was trying to say how interesting it is that one event sparked the whole war.

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I’m quite fond of how the assassination of Caesar hammered in the final nail of the Republic’s coffin.


and thus begins my hatred of the Caesars

I like caesar salad. Don’t hate.

Historical event: probably the American Revolution. Couldn’t think of any other good one at the moment.


Why, though? :frowning:

Claudius was good, Vespasian was good, Domitian was good :frowning:

It’s just the concept of the Emperors that gets me. The Republic’s government was centuries ahead of its time. Once the Caesars took control, it became just another vaguely interesting monarchy.


Well, yeah, the Republic was ahead of its time just as Athen’s democracy was. But neither really represented the people.

I’m fairly certain Claudius had issues

Not as much as other people in his dynasty, but still.

Also #ConstantineIsBestEmperor