Favorite Ninjago Villain?

I didn’t see any of these, and seeing how this forum deserves more topics, why not make one-such? So, what is your favorite villain character in Ninjago and why? This includes but isn’t limited to the main villains, so if you had an inexplicable penchant for Acidicus or couldn’t get enough of Nuckal and Kruncha, they count too.

For me, I’m going to have to give it to The Overlord. He’s a static, one dimensional character, but for a series with nothing but dynamic characters, he provides good contrast. He(it?) isn’t a person, but rather the manifestation of darkness itself; and he reflected that quite masterfully! He didn’t mess around or waste time monologing, and only taunted his foes when the circumstances were already beyond their control or he needed their spirits broken. Additionally, if you look at his dialogue, it’s pretty clear that he attributes everything to metaphysics(The balance, destiny, ETC.), which is appropriate given that he was born from a ■■■■■ in balance. Lastly, I really liked how unnerving and unnatural his voice was. It sounded… Legitimately inhuman.

So, how about you? What’s your favorite ninjago baddie?


Any of the skeletons because they were spooky


I don’t really have a favorite because I only really got into it during the reboot. So I guess Chen?

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Either the Overlord or Chen. They were both pretty evil in their own ways.

this guy
(though this is coming from someone who didn’t watch past the Stone Army series)


He’s white now, and he was small for a bit.


As for my favorite villain… most likely it would be Garmadon just because how his character has been fleshed out. but he didn’t have to freaking stay in that demention because THE SNAKE SPIRITS WENT BACK INTO THE PORTAL NEGATING THE FACT OF HIS SELF SACRIFICE!!! LEGO YOU IDIOTS

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Don’t worry, they probably just went to pack up their stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

@Political_Slime @Studentscissors Get out of here and go watch them. Now.


I would likely say Overlord if only because even after losing his whole ancient darkness stuff, he manipulated the other extreme, and to me that was always cool.

Cliche an answer as it is.


Obviously it’s Master Chen :stuck_out_tongue:

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But it’s not on Netflix (Or atleast not Canadian Netflix :frowning: ) and its 9:48 and I’m tired and plan on reading and going to bed…


also pythor reminds me discord

and yes i watch MLP

@Studentscissors we have this little thing called the internet you should use it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hmm, the best baddie…Captain Soto! No, kid Lloyd! Wait…mindroid! Ugh… :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, on a overall evil standpoint, probably Overlord. I personally like Pythor for his character arc.

On another note, this made me remember the one scene from Rebooted where the Overlord captures Lloyd, and it’s really interesting because you had each of the main villains at the time present.


I’m not functioning right I think I have to sleep…

I liked the look of the Venomari(?). As for story, I’m not sure.

This guy right here.

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:skull_and_crossbones:GET SPOOKED! :skull_and_crossbones:

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I really liked Klaus

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especially in the latest season, be it only two episodes, it was hilarious

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Obviously, Kapau and Chop.