Favorite Podcast Title?

My is Wrenches Are People Too it is just so random and has almost nothing to due with the episode.

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It’s episode 45.

I’m listening to it right now.

You Don’t Peel a Car
Forever a LoSS

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Podcast 140 Obi-Wan the Crotch-Cloak Predator.


“Triggle warning: Nazi ant regime.”


Even though the reason why it was called that wasn’t extremely funny, the title made me burst out laughing. Thanks Kini! :lol

“Less than a Potato”

“El Jerko”
I love that title, it fits the episode quite well.
(But the dude who did that Skrall Shield thing, he was an idiot, seriously)

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ASMVar was pretty funny.

136-You don’t peel a car
167-Don’t hate, oscillate
169-Good golly goblin
172-Idris Ebola
179-Committing Wuicide
208-Destroy the stock
and of course 217- O hai rahi.
I mean, almost all titles are great.