Female MOC: WIP

I think this is looking really good so far. I especially like the trans purple underneath the silver.

However, I must agree with Payinku- this MOC may look a bit better with a different mask. That’s not to say the current mask looks bad; I just think another one would look better.

Can’t wait to see this completed, it looks like it’s shaping up to be a great MOC.

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This MOC has some good armoring, and an extremely solid and filled-out custom torso that still looks feminine. Keep it up! :smile:

Wait, people can do that?

I’ve seen too many sexualized mocs for my own liking

@OculusNuva Thanks. I couldn’t really find a mask that I liked the best. I’ll see what I’m able to come up with.

@MaskmakerOfLight Thanks

@Ninjanicktf Apparently so XP

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Looks pretty cool so far, particularly the torso.

@Anaru_LST Thanks, I was thinking about painting it purple, but I may just get rid of the entire mask and visor.

@Stoax Thanks!

The way that the trans-purple goes with the silver…:ok_hand:

I’m not sure why you think they don’t fit when the main piece in the torso, the Mahri pad, fits very well with the smooth texture. You can have smooth textures in a build without it all needing to be perfectly smooth.

Anyway, great WIP. Only suggestion would be to try a few different masks, this one is good but I think maybe another would do better.

Are you going to paint the blue visor under the mask?

I can agree to that, just a personal peeve.

Looking pretty Coolio

Good so far, just needs a different mask, but keep orange,

I think it could use a waist, maybe with some legs attached.


Thanks for all the positive feedback, everyone! :slight_smile: