Because you was found with @Invader_Rose shield.
C’mon guys. Half way through the day and we only have 1 vote.
I sell glass. Why would I own a heavy metal object? I vote @Ace.
Expanding on this a bit, we can rule out @Sonus, since he wouldn’t try to get another Mafian out (case in point, MataNuiNuva, who he tried to expose).
As for everyone else, we can probably ignore @Shadowrockboy190, and to elaborate on the fact that LTV is the Mafian, Ace has a valid alive, while LTV allegedly has a history of selling materials to the people he kills
Two murders which most likely have been committed in the same fashion, twice in a row. Typical serial killer behavior, which in this case LTV is the serial killer.
Going on Danny’s logic, I vote LTV as well
But I sell glass and nails… And hammers.
Does everyone in this town have a shop of some sort?
There is one thing we’re ignoring: two of the suspects from day two are gone, both innocent (well, not mafia, anyway) That leaves LTV and Ace. Ace’s “evidence” from night 2 was neatly debunked:
But LTV… isn’t it a bit of a “coincidence” that he sold materials to both victims? And the evidence all adds up, right? And if we go after LTV and he is innocent, we know that Ace is the mafian from night 2. It’s a win wither way.
I vote for LTVmocs.
Edit: HOLD IT!
The killer from night 2 must be a fireman!
Or he stole an axe from th fire brigade.
#Day 3
I worry as a game host, because sometimes I worry I make things too hard, but then I worry if I make them too easy… fun stuff
@LTVmocs was brought to the computing machine, which had become stuck in the rubble. None of the Firemen were present as they were all recovering from the shock of having their work place destroyed by the very thing they aim to stop.
They threw @LTVmocs into the machine, where it slowly crushed him.
@LTVmocs, Villager, Number: 55
Everyone but the Firemen then sighed, because the firemen weren’t there to sigh.
Goodbye. Now I watch as a ghost. Add me to PM pls.
Oh come on! Well, I guess we know who the Mafian is now. Sorry LTV.
I think that’s a little obvious
It is Ace in the pun mafia /s
Hey guys, Slime hijacking this topic for a bit.
So apparently @Omega_Tahu thought it would be funny to not get a staff member’s permission to host this game. Despite being a Master and longtime member of the Boards, he thought it best to circumvent the rules we have set in place.
Naturally, we cannot let this go unpunished. On a normal occasion, this topic would be closed. However, since you guys seem to be having fun, we’re not going to close it. The game will, however, be taking a 2 day hiatus while OT serves out his suspension.
Thank you for your patience during this time. You guys did nothing wrong, and we don’t wanna ruin your fun midgame.
Mr. Slime, I have to admit: I have mixed feelings about you.
Carry on sir, carry on.
I’m back!
So yeah, game resumes tomorrow at 9:00, Special Roles Pm and stuff.
Tactical Double Post
#Night 5
@Toa_Vladin was found dead on the streets this morning, near the movie theater. He was taken to the Coroner’s office for an autopsy, and it was discovered he died of a slow acting poison. From a quick talk with @BioKnight, who runs the place, they figured out some suspects.
@Toa_Vladin, Inspector, Number 0
@YEE: Very sneaky, and takes melee combat lessons at Sonus’ shop
@Sonus: Brought a poisoned dagger to the movie, but it was confiscated. Later, when @BioKnight went to check, it was missing
@Willess12: Owns a weapons shop, which is considerably more modern than @Sonus’ or @Shadowrockboy190’s shop
@DannyBoyy: Runs an potion shop, but only openly sells quick acting agents
Ok guys, do or die, the current ratio of mafia to villager is 3-4, if you choose wrong mafia win.
I still can’t believe you guys killed LTV. Like, OMG… SMH.
Brothers die together. Even though I died a day after.
**im voting @Willess12 **