you need to find a set worse than this! however, you must list the sets name.
ill start. this is tez from Duplo’s zooters line.
I raise you 5962: The Tinderbox.
Set 970682-1 Duplo ESM Belts
We do a little Service Packs
Dang it can be used as a hair-tie, it’s still not the worst!
set 215:
(yes this is real)
Any cheap promo from Toys 'r Us. With the exception of the Nexo Knights shield holder, they’re all quite easy to make with parts you already own.
that comes with red head/hand pieces and the exclusive feather piece.
This topic has made me realize that there’s no such thing as a bad lego set
you’re proving his point
Who ever said i was trying to deny it
It’s very subjective
aside from the mask, this set’s parts are very specialized and hard to use- the articulation is limited, the head design has no light piping and looks ugly- people only really love these because of nostalgia.
I only see perfection
But with this, you get the Golden Arches in living, breathing protodermis!
Still better than most McDonalds toys.
But yeah, the McToran were lacking when comparing them to other sets. They did have a lot of personality in that little build of theirs though.
Though I wouldn’t say they were the worst.
Bada bing bada boom I resurrect this topic from its doom
Kazi 8722-1
Man can’t even move his legs at the hip, can’t point forward with his arms, has a weird torso design, doesn’t even have a proper head it’s just a hand behind that mask