[quote=“CaptRanakiPakewa, post:3, topic:5944”]
I think that the 2009 Gresh mask would work better than the 2010 version.
[/quote] I would have used that instead, but the only set I got in 09 was Mata Nui.
In fact, I wanted to scrap the metru green completely, but I didn’t have any black visorak feet and I really wanted to use them.
[quote=“CaptRanakiPakewa, post:8, topic:5944, full:true”]
Maybe Corex11 could do something to the feet to add to the ankles themselves and make the feet a tad bit bigger to fix that? Maybe something similar to Axonn’s feet, but with more ankle?
[/quote] I’m currently trying to fix his ankle problem The way I made the foot attach makes it hard to work around and to get him in a good pose, but I like having a challenge to work around. I think it makes things a bit more creative!
[quote=“ColdGoldLazarus, post:13, topic:5944”]
The Rotor head in the back is a bit distracting
[/quote] I completely agree with you! The reason I wanted to keep it there was because my entire MOC started on his back. I decided I wanted to build a random backpack out of the abundant amount of orange pieces I had, and the piece that inspired me was Rotor’s head, oddly, and as I was building I began thinking of stories of why this backpack existed, and Ultrio was created. To pay my respects to my inspiration I kept him there just for V1.
[quote=“Willess12, post:15, topic:5944”]
I like how you managed to work the sword so that it can attach to his back, yet still attach to both sides of his hand.
[/quote] Funny thing is, that sword was made completely on accident! His original weapon was a sawed-off shotgun, but it really didn’t fit him. Just today I was just randomly playing with him and trying to cover any open balljoint or peg, when I found that certain weapons could snap on to that armor piece on his back. I wanted to avoid any silver I could to keep his style, so I decided that the Skrall sword matched him the best. I didn’t want him to hold just the sword piece because I thought it would look too bland, so I added the orange piece as a hilt/hand-guard. The hook was added to make it look more balanced, and effective. I do wish I had a second hook so I could make him dual-wield at some point.
[quote=“Willess12, post:15, topic:5944”]
I had no idea until now that Nuva shoulder armor piece came in so many colors.
[/quote] Ikr? I couldn’t figure out were I had got these until I found out there was a technic hockey line?