Flamara The Fire Demon

WOW! Its been a long time since I have been here but now I got a decent moc to show (atleast). Well its Flamara YAY, the fire demon that look buff as heck and got some sick armor (Savage much?). Anyway It may look messy Im not going to lie but it does look demon like and other things you can say. Basically he’s Tahus ancestor that touches the evil and took advantage of it and defeat the other evil stuff with it (logic why not).

A little cool position of Flamara, because he wants to be cool.

Now that only is good enough, but until he got bored and needed something that can be fun and might be a change to use, a gun cannon. So he uses the Toxic serpent cannon.

Well thats all, its just a demon with a freaking toxic cannon. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK??? Maybe a gigantic sword, but yea next time.


This figure tend to focus mainly on G2 parts and Flinxs Phoenix thrown in, and the result is pretty clunky.

His right arm armor sticks out too much, the hand/claw doesn’t mesh well, the legs armor doesn’t contrast well, and the top wings and tail are too thin.
When using the Toxic Serpent Cannon, I can only see the head part since the gold and trans-orange blend into the arm alot.

The shoulder and front thigh armor is ok, but thats about it.

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Edited title to make it much less long. Seriously, it was long.
Anyway, I like dis MOC.

Interesting. The cannon weapon seems a little out of place, though. The colours don’t really work with the rest of the figure, but, as whole, it’s pretty good!

Decent. That’s all I can really say.

i like the head tho

Doesn’t scream “Demon!” at all. Far too much gold to be honest.
I can see what you were going for, though, and with the parts it seems you had access to it’s alright.

Looks great, but the silver breaks the color scheme