alternatively, The Hibiscus Squidcus
The Galidorks are moving into Duplo, it seems…
Read King (in Yellow!) and I was excepting a reference to the series. There’s almost a floral aspect to the eyestalks, and an eerie implication to what lies beneath its yellow submarine mask.
Excellent work!
Ooho this is a very neatly built moc. I really like the shaping and the creepy eyes and tentacles are nicely integrated as well, awesome parts usage. Cool build
Without the studs on the top (and bottom) of the sub piece, I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell this was made out of Lego. Brilliant use of pieces you wouldn’t normally see be used in MOCs
Very nice MOC! I like the design and creative part usage
An interesting fact: I actually (re)discovered King in Yellow through Bionicle G2 of all things! There is a reference to it in Journey to One.