Folk: @Ranaki_Pakewa's self-moc (request)

As always I took inspiration from both the model and the avatar. ut this time, I put a special kind of emphasis on the avatar part, as I thought the two styles matched very well. Enjoy!


Very cool.

I don’t know why but this one and yours look weirdly similar in style

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DUDE! This is amazing! Thank you soooo much!

Notice how I got lazy drawing the shoulder pads so I just made the rah skulls XD

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I honestly think that fits the style better, and is a nice touch.

This is fantastic! I love the inclusion of the skulls.

whoa, this looks freaking amazing

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The inclusion of the initials on the head is great!

I do that a lot, I think it’s always nice. Go check out @Hutere’s leg runs on its topic :wink:


Might I make a request?

Go ahead

Could you do my self MOC?

Sure, post it on folk’s random requests, read the rules and I’ll do it soon enough

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