
I don’t play it personally, but it has blown up at my school so I thought I’d make a topic for it. Discuss!

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I personally don’t like it that much.

I do play it sometimes because my friends enjoy it, plus I needed another game to play with them besides Minecraft.


I played it once or twice, not a bad game. Probably would like it more if you could switch between 3rd and 1st person.


The normal mode is pretty unique, the battle royale mode was just added at the last minute because that mode was popular.

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why yes i love minecraft hunger games


why did the knock off become more popular than the orginal which was 10000 times better
PUBG that is

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Some kids in my grade like saying “Fortnite, Battle Royale” in an australian accent.

I enjoy this game. Typically I don’t play it as much as I used to, I usually quit after getting destroyed in one or two rounds, but I take pride in playing it “before it was cool”. It’s the only game I really did, every other game I got “after it was cool” (Minecraft, Overwatch, etc). I prefer Battlefront II and Overwatch, but I don’t hate this game.


Because it got released on mobile, people in my school are always playing it during class. It’s also all they talk about, to the point where Fortnite wins= respect. It’s both fascinating and annoying to witness from an outside perspective, seeing as I rarely play the game myself. It’s become the new trend, that’s for sure.


One word. Four letters. On all devices.


That’s why. PUBG you had to pay for a broken Alpha on PC only before it came to Xbone, and even then it’s still a work in progress. Fortnite may still technically be a work in progress, but it’s free to play and is updated pretty regularly. This keeps people coming back to check out the new stuff, and the gameplay loop of land, build, kill, die, new match, repeat has obviously become addicting. No matter how superior PUBG may be in terms of gameplay, visuals, etc, Fortnite has become a phenomenon because it’s easy to get into and has some measure of quality to it.


I’ve even heard arguments that Fortnite is better than PUBG besides just the cost.

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if pubg was actually competently ran then fortnite would’ve never been popular

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Probably because Fortnite is a lot more easily accessible (it’s free and the demographic it appeals to has easy access to it via consoles and phones) and looks and performs better than PUBG (little to no bugs or glitches, extremely stylish and polished graphical style).

That said, I have no interest in Fortnite. I was introduced to it by my brother back when the Battle Royale beta was around and he, a friend, and I traded off every game trying to get a win for a few days. I never placed better than 9th. After that, I never picked the game up again.

A couple things made me lose interest in it. First and foremost is the genre. I can understand the appeal of the Hunger Games/Battle Royale style game (I’ve certainly played Minecraft Hunger Games a lot in my day), but the genre as a whole never fit well with my play style and taste in games. I’m a very short-term, high-action, aggressive player. That kind of play will get you killed easily in a BR game, especially when you aren’t used to/good at how it controls (like Fortnite’s third-person perspective). I’m also not very good with resource management or long-term strategy.

Other, smaller reasons I never got into it include my impatience when I died, having to wait to spawn into a new game, a lack of time to dedicate to learning the mechanics/strategies enough to win, a lack of a friend group to play with, and in general just being dissatisfied with consistently losing.

Contrast that to my brother, who although now is slowly beginning to dial back his hours on the game, became a major daily player. He had friends who he could play with, show him the ropes, hours at night to play and practice, a good sense of strategy and planning, and patience abound. It was just his type of game.

Not me, though. I’ll stick with Overwatch, thank you very much.

Someone please play Comp with me…


ngl i kinda admire fortnite’s attempts to separate itself from other battle royale shooters by using a different art style but then again it’s probably the most generic cartoon art style you could use for this kind of game


I think it works well. It’s cartoony, yes, but it’s really angular, which helps give it a bit of edge. A game with a similar art style that comes to mind is Absolver.

Keep in mind too that Fortnite was a game long before it came to the Battle Royale genre. The art style is inherited, not designed for the genre, so criticisms laid against it should be made with that fact in mind.

I also want to make the statement that even though another game’s graphics (like PUBG) are more realistic, doesn’t mean they are inherently better. PUBG’s use of color is particularly lacking, which is something I feel keeps more people away from it. The bright, clean visuals of Fortnite I see as a pulling factor.


Fortnite is alright. I can understand the appeal, but I feel as though only having one map makes experiences a tad stale, not unlike back when I tried League.


Where we droppin boys?


I like it as the game has so much community connection, so any changes or new weapons, mechanics or things added have a lot of great functionality because they get feedback.

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Anywhere BUT Tilted.


Amen, I’ve only got to the bottom of a tilted building once and I died almost immediately after walking out the door.