Found In Webs: RPG (CLOSED)

Pakiki takes out more of his tools, and tries to help Voyo. Amid all of the chaos, he tries his best to stay calm and precise.
“Stay still, Voyo. I might be able to repair the damage.”

Oh, thats a relief!

The Proto Drake, in a seeming fit of disgust and contempt, impales the lower half that I grabbed onto with its tail, and with a flick sent the lower half flying backwards. He then swiftly dives back into the water, away from the sight of anyone present.

Weldvo, seeing the crab fall to pieces, looks back to the rest of his fellow matoran, and sees deformed Voyo on the floor and Pakiki trying to help him. He quickly runs back to pick up his tools at the other side of the room, and runs back to the pair as speedily as he can.
“What’s wrong?” He asks in a shallow voice.

Well, a big creature came and almost killed me. I’m ok, except for the fact that I’m in immense pain, and my legs aren’t working.

Vergil watches the drake disappear. She seems to consider a moment, and then grabs the now-cooled knife off the ground from beside Weldvo. “I’ll give it back,” the Ga-Matoran intones.

A moment later she’s scuttled out of the lighthouse and over toward the remaining corpse of the Keras. Vergil examines the damage of the half, trying to ascertain whether its Rhotuka-launcher tail is salvageable, or whether there are any other parts of it that could be safely removed.


Unable to determine what the Vahki is shooting at, the blast hit empty air. Though at worse, it manages to come into contact with one of the halves of the dead Keras. The lower half tossed backwards also takes Lync’s freeze disc.

As previously told, Voyo is very soft and malleable. Pakiki can feel that he could potentially just forcibly reshape Voyo, maybe use a cast device or something of the sort. Though in messing around, he can feel that the Rhotuka’s power is starting to wear off and Voyo will soon return to his previous hardness in whatever shape his body is in.

The Rhotuka launcher was not in the creature’s tail, it didn’t have any. It was located in its back, which luckily for Vergil was in the upper half. Though being the half that has received two the number of weakening disks, it is very weak. The launcher itself is even wrinkled with cracks, but appears it may still be functional. With the weakened state, removing parts wasn’t the issue as much as taking them out without it falling apart by itself.

@rainsong @ProfSrlojohn @Atobe_Brick @Cordax @Spawner @Kirathel

With as much care as she can, Vergil attempts to cut out the body surrounding the launcher progressively; in effect cutting out a larger chunk and carving it down until the launcher is extricated (hopefully in one piece). “Rahi dead and other gone,” she says conversationally toward Lync. “But this one can help us beyond death.”

“If I can cut it free,” Vergil finishes, going back to attempting to extricate the launcher via knife cuts.

The Vahki, it’s target gone and it’s self-assumed charges protected, leaped down to where Vergil was attempting to harvest the launcher.

“Excuse me citizen.” It asked in it’s typical robotic tone, “May I ask what you are attempting to accomplish?”

Hey, Pakiki, am I getting better? Voyo says.

Vergil looks at the Vahki, only distantly aware of what it is. With great effort she manages to not quail under its mechanical sight, although her voice sounds a bit more stilted than normal.
“Rahi’s launcher could be useful. Removing it for later use.”

Vergil falls silent for a few seconds. “…what…are you?”

It does take time, but Vergil’s efforts are successful. Though by itself it couldn’t fire anything and could use some repair work to ensure it doesn’t fall apart.

Pakiki says, “Hmm. If there are other mutant rahi like that Keras, maybe we shouldn’t travel through the rest of Metru Nui. It see now that it could be too dangerous right now. I think we should go down to the city and gather some resources. I see some lightstones with could be useful, and there might be salvageable books in a library.”

He then says to himself, “When I get the chance, I need to see that Keras’s remains up close and study it…”

Then, addressing Voyo and Weldvo, "Perhaps we can leave Voyo’s body in a cast until he returns back to normal. We could dig a hole in the dirt, so his body doesn’t move around too much while he’s recovering.

“Ko-metru Vahki unit K-2387, currently on detachment to Ga-metru as part of hive 456 ordnance 12.” The machine answered, “May I ask if you know of any other survivors besides your assembly here?”

Halmos peeked stealthily out of the lighthouse door, glancing about to see what was happening. The dissected sea creature and the Vahki painted an ominous tale, but at the sight of the latter he jumped up with a yell and darted back inside.

The Vahki were the last thing that Halmos saw in his former life, and it was the one thing he remembered better than anything else. “Th-Them. It’s them.” He muttered, searching for his knives.

“Why so jumpy/scared, Matoran?” Murmurs derk “something worse/bad out there now?” derk walks to the door and looks out, he sees a Vahki talking with Matoran “wait aren’t Vahki not supposed to talk/speak?” derk asks to no one in particular


Lync catches her freeze disc, staring at the remains of the battlefield. She stows the discs, hopping down to rejoin the others.

“Uhhh… right. Have fun with that, I guess.” She shrugs, unsure of what more to say.

“Them.” Halmos practically spat the word onto the floor. “They put me in the pod. It was them.”

Vergil carefully removes the launcher and holds it aloft, starting to walk back toward the lighthouse. “The only ones we found are in there.” She nods toward the lighthouse and continues powerwalking back.

She’s not back quite quickly enough to catch Halmos’ words, but she manages to return enough to see his expression. “What?” Vergil mutters in a questioning way, as she slips back inside and starts walking toward Weldvo.


The Vahki stood in front of the open doorway, however, it was too tall to actually go inside, so it simply stood there silently.

And how long will that take? Voyo says worryingly.