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You’re right, that was rude of me.

I’ve been tired these past few days, and not my normal self. Doesn’t excuse my actions, but it will improve.


@rainsong Do you want to make a post summarizing that or do you want to me to add something?

@ProfSrlojohn BlueJay is correct, though I have at least called out Cordax for his impatient attitude. And the RP has only been opened for two and a half days. So the issue has really only had a chance to generate now.

I do work full time, it just happens that Mondays tend to be slower so I can keep up and reply more. So on my end it is a combination between couldn’t and wasn’t as I was waiting to see if it would resolve itself. That ended up being not the case, but justice too swift is justice done poorly.

Nah, I get it. It was more a me venting a frustration thing than anything else, something I shouldn’t have done.

Actually, if you could give me an idea of the environment as she approaches that would be nice. Don’t want to lose my Kanoka this early, so it might be time for some creativity.

“They could teleport Kanoka disks from storehouses in their hubs and launch them from their built-in launchers.”

Okay, so I pulled this from BS01, so seems like K-2387 should have a decent supply of a standard power-level (4-5 maybe?) ko-metru discs, that is, unless the Visorak (Keelorak maybe?) were raiding the hives to cut off the ammo supplies. Regardless, he could lead the crew to a ga-metru hive to stock-up.

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That’s assuming that nothing went wrong with any of the systems related to that, though. Honestly I’d almost rather see this play out in-game than be answered here; it has the potential to go perfectly fine or horribly wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll find out in a bit then, as he’s already used the one disk, and they seem to not keep disks pre-loaded.

EDIT: Also, “In addition, the power level of their staffs was boosted to extremely high levels, so that they caused physical damage instead of just affecting their victims mentally.” I forgot about this little power boost. :sunglasses:

You can skip on Voyos actions for now because his legs are useless

@Spawner can you build Voyo a wheelchair or something?

@Ghid Do you think Halmos can beat up Voyo now?

That depends on:

  1. Weldvo surviving this fight
  2. The Visorak not noticing this fight
  3. If the group wants to move on quickly after collecting their thoughts, and how long that is going to take
  4. How many and what types of other items Weldvo my need to craft, and how important those items are

In short, yes, I could. But there are a lot of things that still need to happen before we get to that point.

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I think having all matoran alive would be our number 1 priority. Even Halmos.

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, but that does seem needlessly mean spirited towards another player’s character (perhaps even to the player). If you left it at just “Even Halmos,” that would have been funny, but including the second statement does not come off as a joke in good fun to me.

In addition, please keep the amount of OOC comments to this topic. It breaks up narrative and game flow with how many are being included. Though with regards to your last one, I do find that to be a rude response regardless of intention. It wasn’t there earlier, so I’m certain it was edited in, but that did not needed to be said to Eilrach.

He didn’t leave, he had life responsibilities he needed to attend. When that was complete, he responded to the last message he saw was addressed to him. And while Eilrach could have read all the new posts and got caught up that way, very few are willing to read through 100+ posts to see what was relevant for them.

All you needed to do was quickly catch him up IC, which you did initially. Nothing else after that was entirely necessary. Or if you were so kind, tagged him here with a quick recap so that he is fully aware. Better yet, left it for me to handle because that’s part of my job as GM.

So I implore you Cordax, please treat your fellow players with more respect and be patient. Even if their character is doing something you do not like, that is not a reason to retaliate OOC or even overbearingly IC. Your character doesn’t have a defined character yet, so even the poor excuse of “It’s what my character would do,” isn’t going to help you here if this keeps up. Not saying Voyo has to be friendly towards, or even like, Halmos, but there is a point when it becomes unenjoyable for everyone involved.

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Ok. I’m sorry If I sounded rude. I get the message, and I havn’t been respecting everyone. I will try to be more respectful towards everyone. I hope that everyone can still enjoy this.

So did I make it to the lighthouse or am I obstructed by the Keras? Or has it not been responded to yet? Just trying to sort things out.

are you talking about your vahki or matoran?

I mean K-2387.

Name: B-5643
Species: Bordakh
Element: N/a
Gender: N/a
Kanohi: N/a
Appearance: Standard Bordakh appearance. His entire body is covered in electric burn scars and scorch marks, especially around the head, with the occasional series of sparks flying out of it from time to time.
Powers and Weapons: Usual Bordakh equipment and weapons. Currently carrying a 225 disk.
Personality/Background: Due to the power surge during the Great Cataclysm, any original directives that B-5643 had have been mangled beyond comprehension, leaving only confusion and a creeping sense loneliness, which is a unique feeling for the Vahki, one which B-5643 is not able to handle for long. The only remaining command that lingers in its mind is, RETURN.

I don’t know when to introduce B-5643, possibly soon or when K-2387 kicks the bucket.
Also, are vahki able to use the Metru power of a Kanoka Disk, that is the ability of the disk based where it was made?


I’m going to put this character on hold for now. More than two is a bit much right now.

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I don’t know if you’re still accepting new characters, but if you are…

Name: Master Turrim

Species: Matoran

Element: Ice

Gender: Male

Kanohi: light grey non aquatic Athron (Occasionally wears a device that covers both eyes, similar to binoculars.)

Appearance: Turrim has a slightly hunched back. He has a white torso, grey legs, and a grey mask. He also wears an indigo scarf/cape, and carries a staff. At the tip of the staff, there is a glowing blue stone, surrounded by several intersecting golden rings. The blue stone is a meteorite, and is is Turrim’s most prized possession.

Backstory: Turrim was a legendary scientist in Ko-Metru, and was Pakiki’s master. He was very strict, but other Ko-Matoran scientists looked up to him greatly because of his intelligence and wisdom. He spent almost all of his time in the knowledge towers, and liked to read, study, and observe the heavens with his telescope. He often admonished his apprentice, Pakiki for his habit risking his life in the pursuit of knowlege. Turim is rather grouchy and irritable, but is also wise, and a good mentor.

If it’s allowed, I’d like Turrim to be a character who was never put into a Matoran pod. His whereabouts will not be revealed for now.

I’ll allow you a secondary character, however, I will not allow him having not been put in a Matoran Pod. And I am at the very least required to know where he would potentially be located. You can DM me that location.

Oh, alright then. Some of Turrim’s backstory (The parts I haven’t talked about) revolves around him not being in a matoran pod. That said, I don’t mind, and I understand your decision.

I’ll choose not include the character.