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Are other pods scattered through out Metru Nui or just in the lighthouse?

For all starting character, it should just be in the lighthouse for now. There is one exception for Ghid’s secondary, but it would be unrealistic otherwise.

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Yeah probably

While I wouldn’t say out of place, I do think it’s a little soon - I mean, he hasn’t even stabbed anybody in the back yet.

No wait let me rephrase


To be fair, the only people who haven’t gotten along are Halmos and Voyo.
Weldvo’s happily been building things this whole time and Efari and Vergil have been moping outside.


Yeah, we should really try to get along

@rainsong can you respond to the latest action please? ajtazt said for no one to respond until you did and now the RPG is stuck. I hope I don’t sound mean, and if it is something with your life than it’s all good. :+1:

wait should I wait for the others before hucking another disc

Since the monster has responded to everyone, everyone can respond to it again in any order. So you can wait or go again.

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This is where I would normally respond with the glowy-eyed smiley face.

Also, just to confirm, discs bounce back to their thrower after hitting their target, right?

As I see it, yes.

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Perfect. Let’s hope Lync keeps having good aim. :stuck_out_tongue:

Question and a comment, first the question are rhotuka powers reversible? And the comment is about dis: “discs bounce back to their throwers” memory (and after consulting the 2005 encyclopaedia) each disk of each Metru has its own power Le Metru flys further, ga Metru is guided by throwers thoughts ect ect but the one Metru one say it “always returns to thrower IF diverted from course” so I am pretty sure that one is the only one that comes but back to you, but that is just the way I see it
( the quote thing wasn’t working so that’s the reason why its the way it is)

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That depends on the Rhotuka power in question. There are things, like the Mask of Mutation, which could potentially reverse the affects of a Rhotuka that’s more alteration based. Some alteration Rhotuka only affect for a limited time and wear off. If you’re wondering about the one afflicting Voyo, that remains to be seen.

As for the Kanoka, yes, different Metru give different benefits. However, the main usage of Kanoka we get is in MNOG. We do see it used in comics and movies, but not quite as in full affect. And in MNOG, the disks bounce back when they strike their target. This might be due to them being made of bamboo. Though there is some inferred evidence that this also happens in Metru Nui and with the launchers, but no direct ones that I can think of at the moment.

Regardless though, for sake of the game it will bounce back. Think of it being a greater reward. If you hit, your target not only takes the affects of the disk but you also get your ammo back. If you miss, you not only fail to damage the target but also lose the disk. And besides, even if they return from successful strikes, they do wear out from repeated use. They’ll only be good for so many strikes.


Just wondering did anyone here build or base their characters off a moc?


I don’t have a MOC of this version of Lync, but she’s a recurring character of mine. I have… three versions of her, I think? One of them is a G2 villager, which is what the character was originally based on, one is a winged Toa of Air, and one is a Toa of Psionics.

Nope, definitely not mine

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@Atobe_Brick If Pakiki still wants to help Voyo with his predicament, I would do so soon.

Yeah, if not, either Voyo is gonna die, or I’m going to make him die because moaning in agony for the entire thing won’t be fun.

Oh, I thought I’d been helping Voyo for a while now, but I guess it wasn’t my turn to do something.

You started helping him. I described Voyo’s situation a bit more and what your character could do to help reverse the damage, but you haven’t done anything further since. So from my point of view, Pakiki had just stopped trying after the initial attempt.

So do I get the disc back? :thinking: