This giant mutated mushroom lies within the deep dark caverns of the Swamp of Secrets. It is highly intelligent and is producing spores within its cap in hopes of colonizing the entire Swamp with its spawn.
Aside from being a good paperweight, this giant mushroom has 3 functions. At the bottom of his roots, there is a secret membrane which stores its fully grown spawn…
Concept is great!
Base looks a bit messy and could use some work… maybe add some plant pieces to further fill it out
I like the fact that there are features
Good colour scheme
Although not the most amazing MOC build wise it makes up for it with concept, character and features making it seem very original
Well seeing as it’s a plant I think it would look fine sprouting out of his base, Like how a MOCs weapon doesn’t always fit the colours of the MOC itself. It could also build upon his deployable scout feature, having little birds that use the system leaf pieces as wings that can attach to him or a snake made with the Ehlek spines.
Major props for coming up with a MOC that isn’t humanoid or animalistic. The color scheme is bright and unified, and the build looks very involved. I also adore the fact that you put in multiple functions.