I actually found out that Green Kaukau is not cheap at all
Oh, you’re right! That’s interesting… I’ve never had to spend more than 3 dollars on an '01 Kanohi.
What does someone have to do to get a Vahi around here?!
Make a time machine, go back in time to when those where available, steal or buy as many as you need.
lets see, all my rare masks are:
a brown and a black (painted it used to be another red) Hau
a brown and a green and a gold and two purple Parkari
a green and silver (painted blue on the visor) Kaukau
an orange and a black and a shiny brown (why is it shiny?) Huna
a dark red/silver and two transparent blue Ruru
all three versions of the Mask of Life
I have NO rare masks.
and it sucks
But how rare are the chrome Haus?
They were in the Power Packs, in which you found Hafu and the silver Rua (the proper name), and a CD. I had two of those, accidentally
i have a red kaukau mata, a gold hau and a gold pakari
Yeah they are, I only have ten.
Hmm…I guess they aren’t rare then.
My boy BobTheDoctor27 on CBW has six or something. He Bricklinks a lot.
Is there a place where I could find all g1 kanohi masks organized?
I know there’s the standard toa masks in all 6 colors, silver and gold, but what about miscolors, turaga, matoran, and kaukau (b/c it was transparent)
Silver Kaukau Nuva
Blue Miru Nuva
Gold Kakama
Silver Akaku
White Miru
Orange Kaukau
Orange Matatu
I also got multiple black Rurus and dark grey Matatus from one of those surplus parts packs.