G2 Makuta drawing

Hi all!
Remember that infamous Makuta combiner/set from 2016 that was never released?
Well, guess what? I drew it!

My general opinion about Bionicle sets from 2016 is: good builds, awesome character designs and awful, irritatingly awful proportions. Makuta is not an exception, so I decided to draw it, ditching its flaws and emphasising its good qualities.

As for the drawing itself, I really wanted to give myself a difficult challenge this time.
Recently I became very unsatisfied with my normal artstyle, because, well, each drawing took me like sixteen hours to finish and I never ended up liking them that much, so I thought it was a great opportunity to take a break from all of my art projects and just sit and experiment with the things that I’m unfamiliar with until I get a good result.

And personally, I’m really happy with it! I think that I’ll try to make it my main art style form now on.

Also, I almost forgot, I think that some uncultured wee… eh, I mean, clearly very cultured people might see a Gundam reference in this drawing… and be totally right, because I took some inspiration from Gundam Barbados… whatever that thing is :thinking:

Well, that’s it for now, I’d like to hear your honest opinion about the drawing!


You made it look a lot better than the official combiner, nice job!

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Wow, just wow!

This looks just strait up fantastic. I can’t stop staring at it!


That’s so sick!! I love it! Makes me wish we got to see more from G2.

Any chance of doing the Toa?

Nice work!


Absolutely gorgeous!

In general I love the shaping of the design, and the prongs on his mask/crown particularly catch my eye. And your interpretation of the set’s chest shield into a back spiral is great. The real standout to me though is the fire torso. It’s a fascinating and cool interpretation of the translucent pieces in that area of the set.

Unfortunately I’m not that familiar with art terms and art criticism, so I’ve about reached the limit of what feedback I can give you, but this is really excellent. I’d love to see whatever else you come up with using this art style.

PS, that’s a slick signature you’ve got :wink:

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Amazing I love the style you’ve used and the way you’ve interpreted his build. Great job 10/10

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Love what you did with the flaming-column torso.

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you can’t get out of it that easily, adroit bairn

Quality redesign, really makes a lot of the design elements pop. Not sure how much I like the swirling pillar of fire for a stomach, but it’s an interesting interpretation nonetheless.

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Nice drawing! I agree with @Ghid about the swirling fire stomach, though I like how his staff looks.

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REALLY good. Im happy you got rid of the weird skirt thing.

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Man just made makuta G2 into a gundam

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@Rukah @Toa-of-Snow @TheCobaltCorsair thanks!

@TLROsborne171 thank you, I’m glad you like it this much!

@Pakari thank you! And I agree, Bionicle’s second generation could have become even better than G1 if Lego had put enough thought and effort into it.

I think that I’m going to draw other 2016 sets in this style eventually. I especially want to try to draw Umarak the Hunter, my favourite Bionicle set ever made!

@CMO thank you so much! I found the concept of Makuta’s upper and lower torso being connected by nothing but pure energy and maaagic very fascinating, so I tried to represent it in my drawing and I’m quite pleased with the result, to be honest.

@Eilrach thank you for such a high score! I’m glad you like my interpretation.
Fun fact: I didn’t use any reference whatsoever while drawing this, so everything you see in this drawing was drawn from memory.

Thank you, @Ghid!

Yeah, that might have been a bizarre choice, but it was all that the wierdo I am could see in that perfectly colour-blocked blob of orange on the set. I also just wanted to draw fire that day.

@Biomechanical_Guy thanks! Actually, I really liked the original skirt, but it kind of messed up the flow of my redesign, so I got rid of it.

@Makuta_nui_moc, ye
And I don’t regret any bit of it