Overall, I think you’ve done an incredible job on all of the sets. (Including the Fortresses, Gukko etc.)
They certainly feel BIONICLE and look very different from anything, especially Ninjago.
My favorite so far is the Motari Attack Force.
My questions: Are you planning on doing offensive sets and defensive sets for all of the regions?
My criticisms:
- The turret on the Gukko Bird. Sure, it looks cool af, but what is it there for? No other region has the capability of attacking this Gukko force from above, which is the only way it can shoot.
Also, I think the best weapon the Kanaeans on the Gukko would be able to use are flechettes.
Get several bags of these and then just unload them as you’re passing an enemy army and boy, you’ve got a massacre down there!
Best thing? They can do nothing about it!
Yeah, probably a bit of an overkill for it to be used in a kids show…
But hey, people are experts on inventing different ways to kill other people, why wouldn’t the Matorans be the same?
The Nahoan, Ihuan and Mangaian architecture: The Mangaian fort suffers the least out of this.
I feel like this is a universal problem with the G3 Matoran cultures. They aren’t defined yet, especially the architecture.
But I feel like we can do better than simply diversifying the regions by color in the sets. The Mangaian forts could have a roman-esque style to them, (Roman forts are great, after all!)
The Ihuans, on the other hand, could use more ice on their structures. (Although I agree that Ihuans are probably the hardest to develop a style for)
And the Nahoans… Well, the gate you’ve built looks like a simple castle with turrets. Tbh I don’t even know if Nahoans would have forts like these, since they love ships and sailing so much. (I guess they could use some naval invasion-style strategiest in the Civil War, similar to pirates?)
But if anything, I guess their architecture could have some polynesian influence. (Maybe they don’t built in stone at all!)