Brickonicle Civil War Set Concepts
So @Sokoda recently did his “Finale” showcasing his amazing art on his minifig prints and recreating some iconic scenes from G1 with his G3 designs. Now I had intended to release these sets off as I finished designing them however I am moving off to university soon (Excitement and even later nights!), however I would have limited internet as a result and so I decided to amass my designs into one big release, although each will have it’s own individual topic showcasing the individual set.
So why am I doing set concepts for a wave that won’t be explored for ages? Simple really, the Stealth Gukko concept. From there I got rolling with new ideas and I kept on wanting to concept them in set form and now I have 6 set concepts for the wave.
There will be a segment at the bottom explaining some ideas I would like to see in civil war sets if TTV doesn’t like these designs, so Please read the bottom, thank you.
The Mangai Stronghold Defense
Piece count: 1642 (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Mangai
Position: Defensive
Also please ignore the red swords, it’s not blood or anything.
The largest of the set designs, based on a knight’s castle set, this would be the main set of the wave. Whilst not the central Mangaian fortress (I might do that for fun), this outpost stronghold is vital in the war. Now features 2 Knight Zephyr warriors from Kanae, looking to raid the stronghold before the main armies reach it, being the confident Kanae ninja that they are, they can breach the walls, but will they escape unnoticed?
The Ihuan Gate
Piece count: 1114 pieces (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Ihu
Position: Defensive
A small patrol gate on the border of Ihu, this gate is patrolled by a few guard, a captain of the guard and has a traveller escaping from the rushing enemies. This was the second concept designed and has the renders completed and so should be up almost immediately after this post. Also not a main Ihuan (or is it Ihuian?) fortress but rather an outpost stronghold.
The Naho Bridge
Piece count: 691 pieces (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Naho
Position: Defensive
The set was based off the idea that the Naho use wood and other similar materials, however their bridges and roads are mainly stone, with wood planks on the bridges for easy repair as constantly replacing the stone paving stones was seen as an annoying task as the idea of shipping stones on wooden boats literally sank the spirits of some Nahoans. As this is a larger set, there is some conflict, there are 3 Motarans attempting to cross the now unstable bridge.
Ihuan Attack Force
Piece count: 586 pieces (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Ihu
Position: Offensive
The wolf you see was inspired by a Lego Ideas submission for Avatar the Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra, I have modified it but credit where credit is due. This is the first attack force and the first offensive Rahi, to be named as of yet, what I liked to do with the Rahi was add in those little levers to look like pistons on the joints.
Motaran Attack Force
Piece count: 509 pieces (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Motara
Position: Offensive
The Rhino you see here was inspired by the Lego Black Panther Mine fight set, the body and legs are completely custom, work in a few Bionicle pieces and also was the basis for the Mammoth. The Mahi was prototyped by @Sanokal but I added my own touches, also check him out, I’m sure he has a design on the way for something cool. This was meant to look like they trekked to reach their battle so they carry some supplies as well as weaponry, their armor and weapons are darker as I like the idea that Motara has darker metals to forge with, I’ll explore this in it’s own topic.
The Kanae Stealth Gukko
Piece count: 431 pieces (including ammo, no masks)
Region: Kanae
Position: Stealth/Offenseive
I have a ton of lore and ideas for this one and I think it’s the one I’ve fleshed out the most in my mind, hopefully I’ll be able to get all the ideas down in it’s own topic. This is a modified version of the original Gukko, done so I can be part of a lineage, designed to be bigger and have larger wings.
Additional stuff
- A Small battle pack for @TheMOCingbird:
- Wolf Sentries
Civil War Set Ideas
- No set will have characters from 2 regions in it, this way, fans would by one set and that set could then potentially have a play fight with any other set and I think that would enhance the playability of the sets massively. If a fan isn’t into the lore, who’s fighting who doesn’t matter and they could have fights with their friends.
Ok a couple of people didn’t like this idea so maybe this is not used for larger sets such as literally half of mine… Eh fair points though, I’m cool with not using the idea.
Sets Should have a few warriors in them. So mine have a ton of Matoran in them, this was mostly because based on their piece counts, at that point an extra warrior or two wouldn’t have impacted the price as much and very few sets have “Hero” characters.
A Rahi if part of a mid-large set should have original Bionicle pieces, small sets don’t have to to keep piece counts low.
If a set is not a building it should be a Rahi based set/Battle pack. This way there is still value and a more equal popularity between building type sets and Rahi/Battle Pack sets. I kinda prefer the Rahi tho…
If anyone has anymore suggestions, I’m open to hear them, the next sets will be release in their own topics over then next day (I need sleep). As always comments and criticisms are welcome and I hope you enjoy this little send off present.
Stealth Gukko
Ihuan Gate
Motara Attack Force
Ihu Attack Force
The Mangai Stronghold
The Naho Bridge
~Kardax (or Unpixelled)