G3 Toa Stats Pitch

The title’s pretty self explanatory, I apologize for the lack of graphs/charts, my current computer doesn’t have photoshop. For now all I have is a written rundown and explanation.

Here’s a brief explanation of my definition of these stats because I know some people see certain stats differently.
Strength is strait power of muscle force. Speed is how fast you can move your limbs. Stamina is how long you can continue to physically exert yourself. Agility is the speed in which you can change the direction in which you are moving and cool jumping. Endurance is how much punishment your body can withstand, in combat it couples with stamina. Combat skill is just that, how good you are at fighting. Intelligence is raw numbers, pattern recognition and your ability to understand concepts and ideas. Now I know some see dexterity and agility as the same thing, I see it as ones ability adapt to new weapons and tools and make use of them. Wisdom is your understanding of life’s workings and the nature of thing, it’s about experience and understanding. Charisma is how well you can communicate and inspire others to your way of thinking, it has a lot to do with leadership

Strength: 1. Onua. 2. Pohatu. 3. Tahu/Kopaka. 4. Gali. 5. Lewa
My logic for this is fairly straight forward. Matoran of earth are miners and were either created or have evolved to have much greater strength than other groups of matoran. Also as part of my pitch Onua is a Temple guardian and has a good deal of training as well, but that part is not necessary to this pitch. Matoran of stone are in a similar predicament, just to a lesser extent. Tahu and Kopaka are both trained warriors but neither have naturally enhanced strength so they would be a bit above average. Gali is next because I think it would befit her fighting style to focus a bit more on speed and agility, too much bulk will slow you down. Lewa is last for the same general reason just to a greater extent. The bottom four would be fairly close, but Pohatu would be about 1.5-2 times stronger than the others and Onua would be 2-2.5 times stronger.

Speed: 1. Pohatu. 2. Lewa. 3. Gali. 4. Tahu/Kopaka. 5. Onua
Pohatu should be the fastest partially due to historical precedent, and also because you’ve got to be fast if you want to avoid sandstorms and rock slides. Lewa is second because again I find it befitting to her fighting style, Gali would only be slightly slower. Kopaka and Tahu are even again for the same reasons I think they should be even in strength. They would be behind Gali by a bit more than Gali is behind Lewa. Onua is really bulky and so at least in running speed he is going to be a fair amount slower than the others.

Stamina: 1. Onua. 2. Pohatu. 3. Tahu/Kopaka/Gali. 4. Lewa
Earth matoran not only need great strength to mine, but also the stamina to do so all day. Also, as a potential warrior he would have training. Matoran of rock live in a hot dessert and work outside, they can keep on going. The three who are tied have had a lot of training and so have good stamina. Lewa’s stamina is not bad but due to the nature of her fighting style I imagine she would run low fast. Onua and Pohatu should be a good bit ahead of the other toa.

Agility: 1. Lewa. 2. Gali. 3. Tahu/Kopaka. 4. Pohatu. 5. Onua
Lewa is the most agile for historical reasons and the fact that she lives in a floating, jungle environment, she’ll need the ability to change direction quickly and jump well. Gali is number 2 because of specific training to make her fighting style more lethal. Tahu and Kopaka have good, just not as good agility and are tied for the usual reasons. Pohatu has totally average agility due to it being unnecessary in her pre-toa line of work. Onua has the lowest agility by a good bit because of his bulk.

Endurance: 1. Pohatu. 2. Onua. 3. Tahu/Kopaka/Gali. 4. Lewa
Pohatu is used to living in a harsh environment with things like sand storms. Po-matoran have evolved to be extra pain resistant. Onua’s muscle mass and zenness makes him tough but doesn’t have the same level of natural toughness as Pohatu. Tahu, Kopaka, and Gali have all trained to take pain, but their environments, while extreme, are mainly temperature which I would say goes more towards stamina. Lewa can take more than few hits but acts kind of like a glass canon, she goes in and goes hard but isn’t used to combat.

Combat Skill: 1. Gali/Onua. 2 Tahu/Kopaka. 3. Pohatu/Lewa
Gali is a the greatest ga-matoran warrior, and (at least in my head) a Onua is the greatest of the earth temple guardians (not the leader, just the best). They both have very different styles, but both are extremely effective. Tahu and Kopaka have trained hard in combat to better represent their class, but both lack the hone that Gali and Onua has (also, I personally think Gali and Onua should be the oldest toa, which would give them an experience advantage).

Intelligence: 1. Kopaka. 2. Gali/Onua. 3. Tahu. 4. Lewa/Pohatu.
When it comes to raw calculating intellect Kopaka has the edge, he trained his mind just as hard as his body as he would have thought it suitable for a future king to be as educated as possible. Gali and Onua are smart, they just don’t have the same degree of natural ability. Tahu is a great tactician, and is by no means dumb, but lacks in some areas. Lewa and Pohatu (in my head) are the youngest, are due to their lack of experience and less education they are a bit lower than the others. They aren’t dumb either, their just young.

Dexterity: 1. Gali. 2. Tahu/Kopaka. 3. Lewa. 4. Onua. 5. Pohatu
Gali is the best at this because she has trained herself to be the most capable warrior in any situation. Kopaka and Tahu have done similar training, just not as long and not as intense. Lewa is used to the many different plants and objects in the jungle. She can use things inventively but cam sometimes fail to realize and objects use or value. Onua, can pick something up and figure out how to use it effectively, but he lacks the mastery of the others, for him the simplest is generally the best. Pohatu doesn’t really have a reason to be great and tool/weapon handling.

Wisdom: 1. Onua. 2. Gali. 3. Pohatu. 4. Kopaka. 5. Tahu. 6. Lewa
Onua is the oldest and has meditated on the nature of being. He understands people and natural forces on a very deep level. Gali has also been around the block before but is more impulsive and prone to fireiness. Kopaka is smart, but he doesn’t have the same kind of practical intelligence and often misreads people. Tahu like to shoot first and ask questions later, he’s competitive and thinks he’s always right. Lewa is the youngest and takes even more risks than Tahu, she’s a wildcanon who still doesn’t fully understand her responsibility.

Charisma: 1. Tahu. 2. Pohatu. 3. Lewa. 4. Gali. 5. Kopaka. 6. Onua
Like him or not Tahu is a born leader, he was brought up in a highly militaristic society and has an innate nack for talking to people. Pohatu is a very, very nice person. She understands them and is confident knowing when, and when not to talk, she is the binding agent of the team, nobody dislikes her. Lewa is a fast talker and while can be annoying, she is still friendly and outgoing. Gali is a tactical person, she has a commanding personality and is more like Tahu than she would like to admit, but she is also used to oporating on her own. Kopaka is just a jerk, pure and simple. Onua doesn’t talk much and is used to his own thoughts. He’s pleasant, but doesn’t always know how to share his feelings.

Well, there you have it, I know It’s a lot and graphs would have made this easier and more interesting, I would love to here other’s opinions on the matter. This is the kind of thing where everybody had their own opinions and generally good reasoning.


I think stamina and endurance are the same thing

To me endurance is how many times you can get punched in the face before it starts to hurt, stamina is how many times you can punch before getting tired. I’m sorry if there’s confusion.

I don’t really thinks so. Stamina is more how long can you go, and endurance is how much you can take. If I’m thinking of this right.

Edited: Kapura’d

I guess. Maybe durability would be a better term, in that case. When I see endurance, I’m thinking long-distance running/marathoning.

I could make some statistical histograms for each Toa or something tomorrow if you don’t mind waiting that long.

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That sounds beautiful.