Gali Toa of Water
Awesome to see a post from you Blackbolt! I really like that torso design.
Thanks! It’s been a while. I have a couple more to post too.
Yees Blackbolt is back! nice to see G2 get appreciated, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been
This is pretty sweet. The resemblance to the original G2 Gali is great.
Awesome looking trident!!
Even though that torso design with the Vahki leg has been beaten to death many times over in a lot of your MOCs, you manage to make them all seem unique and like fresh designs!
Thanks! And you’re right. I have used that torso like a hundred times. I should probably come up with a new idea at some point.
Return of the king.
Whoa now! But thanks bro.
This is fantastic, and that trident is amazing.
the arms are quite nice
This is a great blend of g1 and g2! Love the tridents build!
It isn’t Kopaka.
I’m proud.
wow that looks great!!!
good job!
She looks fantastic.
I really love how you did the Trident.