GAME: Crushing Hopes and Dreams

Granted, but it’ll be mildly terrible

I wish I had a fluffy unicorn

Still sounds better than what we got.

Granted, but its actually Unicron.

I wish I was god.

Granted but everybody hates you

I wish that hero factory didn’t completely suck

But in order for that to happen, HF would have had to completely suck in the first place.

I wish that Invader Zim would come back. (And don’t just say that is sucks)

Granted, but spongebob gets cancelled

I wish that the nintendo switch gets backwards compatability

Fine with me! Heck that’s a bonus!

Granted, but you can never have one.

I wish that Beast Machines was retconed out of existence.


Granted but so is Beast Wars and Masterpiece Optimus Primal.

I wish that they would make another transformers video game

Granted, but It’s Superman 64 2.0.

I wish I remembered to give a wish.

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Granted, but you forget 5 min later.

I wish that bionicle was not cancelled

Granted but it comes back as an anime

I wish that hero factory had better sets

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You say this as if its a bad thing.

Granted, but Bionicle is erased from existence.

I wish I had a Metal Gear Rex.

Granted, but it breaks

I wish I had a rolex

Granted, but that also breaks.

I wish for world peace. How original

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Granted, but it doesn’t last that long

I wish for world domination

Granted, but only through Mondays to Thursdays, without bank holidays.

I wish I had a pot of Hot n’ Spicy memes.

Granted but it becomes stale quickly

I wish for less hot days.

Granted, prepare for the ice storm.

I wish I was good at art.

Granted but only art that people hate

I wish I had infinite hot pockets

Granted, but one of them is poisons. Only one. But it could be any one. It could be this one, it could be that one. You;ll never now until you eat one.

I wish that the voyager mold for TFP Breakdown was released in the US.