GAME: Elementia; Arena Topic

For this section of the game, you will be able to fight against other players.

If you win the battle using more powerful moves that you have acquired from training. Using a battle will consist in a PM, for keeping that private from other players. If you want to resign in a battle you just post in bold. RESIGN That way the opposing player and I will know to stop the battle and hand it to the opposing player, only granting them half points because they technically “didn’t” win. For a rematch, post in bold, REMATCH and I will grant you a new battle without giving points to either player. In the arena, you can select the element you are using so you have the moves from that element. To use weapons post saying Weapon of choice: bleh bleh blah you get it. Each time you use a move it depletes your opponent’s health consisting of 95 health points.

If you have questions, ask below.



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This sounds kinda interesting. How exactly would the combat really work, though?

You post in the PM casting a move each time until a player looses full health,… hold on let me go fix that…

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