The ability to fix anything, but only if you smash it with a hammer.
The ability to produce endless produce.
The ability to produce body odor that smells of freshly produced produce
The ability to write self-aware replies on the TTV message boards.
The ability to recognize self-aware replies on the TTV message boards.
The ability to play any musical instrument like a pro.
The ability to create water out of thin air that only works in an Ozarka Water Bottling Facility.
The ability to post whenever the servers go down.
The abillity to communicate telepathically with TTV members so that you can tell them to fix the servers.
The ability to tell who is DimentioNuva and who is not.
The ability to shoot a clothes beam
The ability to consume topics on the TTV message boards and convert it into energy which can be fired and turned into BIONICLE 2015 leaks.
The ability to summon the Hype Train to your location.
The ability to always have a head of great hair!
OOC: I always have great hair. This just helps
The ability to turn into a chicken.
OOC: Wow. You suck
The ability to give sucky superpowers
The ability to give redundant super powers!
The ability to eat ham sandwiches (BAM)