Game Grumps

Anyone here a grump fan?

I know I am! And I think that there’s lots to talk about when it comes to them, and I wanna hear what yo think about the grumps?

Which era do you prefer?

Favorite One-Off episode?

Favorite Vs?

Favorite beginning to end playthrough?

Of all 5 of our current hosts for Gorp/Steam Train/Table Flip, who’s your favorite?

Stuff like that. As for myself, I prefer the Steam Era(Post Jon, Danny onwards) and of the five, my favorite host was Barry for a while, but I’ve began to really enjoy Danny. I can really empathize with his lack of skill in certain games, but utter mastery in a select few.

my favorite one off is, cliche, but it’s Dennis the Menace. Favorite versus is Gundum Battle Assault 2, and my favorite long playthrough is Wind Waker HD.


Use to watch nearly every video(except goof troop) back when Jon was around.
Nothing against Dan or Ross, but meh…

Recently I’ve really liked their commentary while playing Sakura spirit.

Ross has been hilarious in that game/visual novel/whatever Sakura spirit is supposed to be.

I think I like Arin the most. He’s got some hilarious moments with him.

Did you ever see Go! Go! Nippon?

It was basically just like Sakura Spirit with 100% less Danny.

Finally this is a topic!

Dan has the voice of 63 angels combined!

Which makes it all the sweeter when he layers it on top of itself. 8D

Why I Cry was a particularly good example.

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Man, game grumps is hilarious, I’m quite a recent fan of them, but they crack me up at least once in every episode they do.
I like Sakura spirit and the new doctor, surgery simulator XD.
I don’t have a problem with any of them, I think Arin and Dan are my two favourites, they have good chemistry and I see episodes with them two more often.

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Yeah, I already knew you were a fan, Viper.

From that one episode where you and Meso were waiting on Eljay for a while, I heard the Gold that is the Mr. Wilson Rap. XD

That rap is genius, I also say ‘GET OUTTA HERE’ a lot from Dennis the menace.




Which one was this?

Oh shoot. I wanna say it was 105, but I can’t recall. Sorry. >.>

Ross vs Eljay: who will lose?

Eljay, of course.

Ross has won Steam Rolleds before.

“These four of us, here tonight, chuga chuga choo choo time to fight, STEAMROLLED!” “God d***** Ross!”

I think it’s “there’s four of us” actually.

Hard to tell. They talk really fast.

I think Barry and Suzy said it during their AMA on Polaris. They referenced the theme.

Oh yeah, there was the Kirby ones too when they did the uncool kid voice, which I still use as a joke when I’m reading out Zaktan quotes. Also the daring game for girls one had me in stitches, it was just one comedy gold after another, it making me laugh just writing about it XD.

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Walkin’ around in my banana shoes…