Game: LEGO battle Royal

Ok, so…

this thing is something that i have been planning on ever since i was suspended from the TTV message boards, and thus have been whaiting to make this for a long time.

This game is a battle royal of LEGO characters, all of the themes can be used, Bionicle, Ninjago, Chima, Nexo Knights, Alpha Team, Exo-Force, Ultra Agents and many more… as long as they are not lisenced themes, because many of the characters from lisenced themes, would just be to OP for these battles, i mean if we had a Laval vs Kylo Ren fight… Kylo Ren would win, simply because he would have forced Choked Laval to death.

now over to the way this fighting is going to happen, you the people will say who you think would win this fight. The fighter with the most votes win.

But know that this is not just a simple vote for who should win, because not only must you remember the power and abilities of these fighters but also their personalities. The area will also play an important part of the fight as some fighters can get some advantages. For example, fighters like Gali, will have a large advantage in arena’s that contain a large body of water, like Ga-Koro or the Forever Rock.

Keep these facts in mind when giving your vote.

and just so you all know, all of the characters would be in their fictional appearances, and not set appearances, its the smart thing to do if you want a fight with Umarak and Aaron.

resently i have desited to add two more combats to the list, but they will not be used until next month, these two fights are:

Army Combat

chose one fighter and their army, allong with a battle field, and see who would win. This fight can only happen two times a month.

Special Combat

a combat where in you can add up to four fighters, the rules are the same as normal combat other wise.
This fight can only happen once a month.

The following fight was suggested by: @Plural

Single combat

This fight is going to be betwine:

the arena of choise:


who would win?

give your vote.

this fight will end the 28th of April.


  • Beast master vs Sidorak: hardly considering it a challenge, Sidorak defeated Beast Master with 10 votes against 1.

  • Meltdown vs Vezon: “Huh, that was suprisingly simpel, kind of funny actually.” Vezon’s comment on the fight with Meltdown. Winning with 2 votes against 1.

a final message to you all, you can all give your own idea on the next fight, just chose two non-licensed LEGO character and a location from one of the LEGO lines and if that idea have the most likes, then it will be the next one that will happend.

thank you all for participating.


Well if they can use their respective hordes in battle, Sidorak would obviously win.

I’d say Solomon Blaze (AU) and Brains (PM)

For a location, how about the caves of Onu-Wahi?


Well, does Sidorak have the Visorak horde?


Then Beast Master is useless

Sidorak all the way

good to know.

But so is Sidorak…

This is a hard decision, it’s not really a question of who is more powerful, and more a question of who sucks less…

Well, based mostly on physical size, I guess Sidorak would probably win.

vote for sidorak

I’d say sidorak would win.

Who would win?

Who would lose?

Who would tell the final tale?

-BS01’s Fighting Friday


I say Sidorak would win.

Beast Master would win since Sidorak clearly demonstrated an incompetence in Web of Shadows where he doesn’t seem able to fight a foe that’s not already down.


Sidorak would win, simply cause he has a laser sword in his arm.

Next battle should be:
#Exo Force Areo Booster Vs Lewa Mata
This will end badly for the areo booster I’m sure.
Arena would be:
#Region of Fire
Like so it can be the next fight.

Sidorak curbstomps
Next match
Vladek (KK) vs. Jestro (NK)

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I vote Sidorak

Next Battle: Infearno (UA) vs Ronin (Ninjago) on top of Mount Cavora

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Sidorak, because he’s big.

I say Vladek, as Jestro is worthless without the book of Monsters with him.

I propose Meltdown of HF (without meteor blaster,as it would be unfair) vs. Vezon of Bionicle (without Fenrakk or Kardas, but with his spear of fusion and axe-shield). Both love anarchy and madness - what could go wrong?

Arena: Roxtus Arena. The Skrall one. It favors neither especially.



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I’m assuming you mean April 22, 2016, however, that should be written 4/22/2016



new fight everyone, come and give your vote