[game] truth or dare! (read rules)

nothing absurd and over the top
stay on topic
no anime, its overdone and annoying IMO
thats pretty much it, if you want to add a rule ask

the way it will work is the person below me says truth or dare
then pick
then dare/truth
this might be stupid
this might be fun
who knows!


How do you start it?

Truth or dare? (I would assume.)


How did you attach the scope/visor-thingy to the Kanohi Rode on your MOC?

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I’ll edit this post with a picture demonstration when I get around to it.

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Ok, I think it’s your turn now.

Truth or dare?


oh oh I forgot to mention
to make it fair, anyone can answer the truth and dare and tell the truth/dare thing

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great no one reads the posts above
ekorak said truth, we have to ask him
you ask

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What is the name of your best personal MOC?

My Self-MOC, Ekorak, in his Dark Alpha v1.1 form.

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Truth. (I reserve my right to not reply, just sayin’ :wink: )

I’m a little confused, so I’m gonna say Blueberry. Sarcasm aside, I’m still just a bit confused on how it works.

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Someone makes a comment saying either:




Then, someone comments what their truth or dare is to the person who commented:




Dare Yo.

Aww, but I just said Truth… :frowning:

Oh well, I dare you to make a MOC from Lego parts alone that reaches it to the hight 6ft.

Then, post a picture of it here.

Uhh ok… give me a moment.

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