Gavla and Ahkmou: Tuyet’s shadows

From the very start, they disliked each other. Both the Av and Po matoran were arrogant long before they were brought into the service of the Empress, yet both were seemingly brought together by circumstance.

Gavla had found herself in a huff on day in the southern continent. Wandering off from her tribe after a disagreement with peers, the Av-matoran spotted an odd sight. A Toa of ice snooping into the caves. Following her curiosity, Gavla found herself wandering into the caves after a wary Matoro, who was on an investigation to find this so called “core of the universe” Tuyet had ordered him to find.

Using a ruru to navigate the dark, Matoro found himself beset by cave rahi, only for Gavla to find herself in one of their claws. Matoro did save the matoran, but Gavlas kaukau was broken in the scuffle. Matoro gave her his ruru, donning his Akaku once more, but Gavla was very suspicious of him.
Matoro was given orders to neutralize anyone that saw him, but he shared his unwillingness to do so. Gavla then reflected on her own standing in her tribe. She felt she had no place in her own home, so she requested Matoro take her with him. When he tried to refuse, she fired a beam of light past him as a threat. Matoro was shocked, was this the being light meant for the Avohkii he and his team were looking for?

Bringing Gavla back to Metru-nui in secret, Matoro presented her to Tuyet. Very intrigued, and realizing this could be the weapon she needed to defeat the Makuta once war broke out, Tuyet immediately took Gavla under her wing. Disguising herself as a Ga-Matoran, Gavla became a member of Tuyet’s inner circle. She got along surprisingly well with Vhisola, but was at odds with Nokama.

With her success in creation of shadow Lhikan, Tuyet saw it fit to find others among the “undesirables” who would make good spies and assassins. She found Ahkmou one day, a spiteful yet somewhat clever worker. Whisking him away, Tuyet brought Ahkmou to her citadel to train alongside Gavla. Any ideas of them being a team were dashed in the first weeks, but no matter. Tuyet had a mask forged that would help unite them in one respect…


ooh interesting! I like the lore of this universe you’ve made.


this is such a cool universe!
great to see gavla be given the love she deserves - such an underrated character