Gavla: Devil of Karda Nui

Don’t quite a a lore for this one yet, just had some inspiration after reading Devilman. With her home of Karda nui a realm of the skies, Gavla’s small wings become silver wonders of protosteel.

They can unfurl and retract, able to articulate for flying or on the ground posing.

She also has a tail now, and I decided her original wing piece made for a good tail piece.

For her right hand, Gavla bears a set of rending claws each digit able to articulate. Now she can grab things…

…like a disgruntled Ahkmou during an argument, hehe.
Her other hand just has some black claws and a little thumbs on one side.

Almost every other piece on the Gavla got was broken, so I’m glad I was able to use these at least. Those darn 2008 joints.
Hope you enjoy. This was certainly a more interesting build than her Toa of light build I made😄


oooh looks very creepy! I like the part use of the shadow matoran wings on the tail, and the wing build looks neat. nice moc!


Gotta agree with Rukah about the wings and tail.
I also like that big claw.