General Celesus and Inpis

Sorry for the long break in-between this and my last topic, school and other things got in the way, i’ll try to be slightly more consistent. Now on to the Mocs.


General Celesus, the head general of Modicius’ regime, was once one of the many toa on Insula Magna, and he even had the privilege of being the envoy to the Grand council from his homeland of Inue. Shortly after Modicius’ rise to power, the Great Toa purge was put in effect to make sure no one rivaled the regime, miraculously, Celesus was one of three survivors of the purge.

Celesus, distraught, originally sought revenge on the power who committed the genocide, but that plan stopped short when he was found and captured by Obsis units and brought to Modicius himself.

Modicius, sensing much potential in Celesus had him brought to his chief scientist, and mutated beyond belief, making him a giant, and giving him an extra set of arms. He was now bound to Modicius’ rule, with no hope of freedom. Twisted by years of enslavement, Celesus became a ruthless, experienced fighter, and his “training” was complete. Celesus was made into the head general, and led many battles in search of the ancient Makuta temples.


Inpis was once a matoran from Inue, with exceptional control over telekinesis, but when Modicius came into power, she fled and joined his side, eventually working her way into his high court. She was effective in her role, and helped orchestrate the capture of Celesus. For this, she was awarded the Ceremonial Mask of control, one of the first discovered artifacts of the ancient Makuta, and the seeing eye, the other one is held by Inannus, and they share a link and can occasionally see through the other’s, although she never alerted Modicius of Inannus’ whereabouts which enhanced her abilities, making her a valuable asset to the high command.

Inpis and her catch

[details=The King’s Court] As of right now, only three mocs are in the King’s court, Celesus, Inpis,and Modicius, but more are to come


Alright, so to explain this, these mocs were not an attempt to make anything revolutionary, but just to get me back into moccing(?), but all comments are welcome. Let me know, do you love them or hate them, I’ll respond as quick as I can.

Thanks for reading!


Brilliant story and good builds! Can’t wait to see more from you. :slight_smile: